Author Topic: Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games  (Read 3846 times)

Black Tiger

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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #120 on: September 11, 2005, 07:30:26 AM »
Quote from: "nodtveidt"
Quote from: "Black_Tiger"
(why is music 50?)

Because music is copyrighted and hardware like this is patented...two different legal protection systems.

Thats still crazy that its as short as 15 years, I wonder if Nintendo had a chance to renew it and passed.

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« Reply #121 on: September 12, 2005, 05:03:09 AM »
it's actually a good thing that patents can't be renewed unless you love Gauntlet and ford automobiles. Ford patented the carburetor and Atari patented "multiplayer, multicharachter cooperative play video games". (making the assumption they refused to license the patent to 3rd parties or did so at a crazy price).

most people think that the copyright times should be less than they are, as it seems rather silly to protect something for that long, especially well after the death of the artist.

the reason for difference, is that a patent is usually on some form of technology that could potentially block development of entire branches of science. whereas copyrighted artwork only prevents people from making nearly identical copies, however they can still make very similar copies.

there's a guy in japan making at least somewhat of a hardware rom emulator for the pc engine.


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #122 on: October 25, 2005, 08:20:00 AM »
Was any of the gore changed, going from
the Japan to US version of Splatterhouse?


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« Reply #123 on: October 25, 2005, 07:53:15 PM »
Quote from: "nimtene"
Was any of the gore changed, going from
the Japan to US version of Splatterhouse?
This is a good question. The fellow who created "The West Mansion" (Splatterhouse fansite) might have the answer, but I don't remember if he had both versions or ever compared them.  Unfortunately, I don't have the Japanese HuCard, so I can't compare.

I've heard conflicting things:
1. in the church: golden meat cleaver... is this a different weapon? is the boss the same (disembodied head with spinning spheres)?
2. some other stuff (hahahaaha. nice and vague. your welcome :) )

I suspect that the games are nearly the same, because TurboPlay Magazine recycled a Splatterhouse strategy guide that originally appeared in a a Japanese PC-Engine magazine. Things look the same -- except for the fact that Rick's hockey mask was changed to a red mask for the TG-16 version.

Of course, some of the puking and blood might have been toned down... so, I'd  love to hear from folks who've played both versions.
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« Reply #124 on: October 26, 2005, 04:35:11 AM »
I played and own the Japanese version but suck very bad. If there are any cheats for it, post them! So I can make some pics to compare.


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« Reply #125 on: October 26, 2005, 09:05:35 AM »
Quote from: "Yamazaki"
I played and own the Japanese version but suck very bad. If there are any cheats for it, post them! So I can make some pics to compare.
Here you go:

Level select:
Hold Run and press Select three times when the house and lightning are displayed on the title screen. Then hold Down/Left and press I. Note: To face the final Boss, select level 0.

Level select (Japanese version):
Press Select three times, then hold Left and press Run when the house and lightning are displayed on the title screen. Note: To face the final Boss, select level 0.

Sound test:
Enable the "Level select" code. Then, press Select at the level selection screen.

Expert mode:
Hold Select at the title screen until the word "Hard" is displayed.

Also, check out the Splatterhouse strategy guide in TurboPlay #2 :

page 12
page 13
page 15


(keranu, do you like this post ;) )
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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #126 on: October 26, 2005, 01:33:42 PM »
Quote from: "Black_Tiger"
Quote from: "Tron"
Quote from: "Black_Tiger"

But lets take it even further. Do you think that anyone would buy a brand new reprint of Dracula X, possible with bonus materials, for $30? It wouldn't cost Konami a dime to develop and they'd make a killing even if they sold it for $5 a pop.

But its a slap in the face that most companies refuse to even put old content on new platforms and when they do, charge a lot for a little.

Thats why the Capcom Classic Collection is so cool.

Nuff said Midway,Atari,Namco and Capcom don't have problems with putting out collections.

You think, Konami would jump on the band wagon by now.

Still they refuse and don't want... to listen to fans for some reason :evil:

Thats the thing, they have put out collections of like 30 mostly boring games for psx & saturn in japan. If they charged like $10 for these things it'd be fine.

The closest they've come to to Capcom's generations is stuff like Salamander Deluxe pack for Saturn and Castlevania Chronicles for PSX.

But they didn't include the Gradius' in one nor the Nintendo 8 & 16-bit Castlevanias in the other. I mean, we're talking like 1 meg of disc space for a product that they aren't selling elsewhere commercially(and as such is legal to emulate in the U.S.).

If they want to sell old games as singles, then it would be nice to get them in their original format. Famiclones wouldn't be made if there wasn't a huge demand for them.

Imagine if some licensed out the PCE Duo and got it down to like half the size of a Sega CDX and sold it for $100. As much as collectors push up prices on Duo systems, there's enough of us who actually play the games to sell out new hardware.

A company was supposed to release an NES style Famiclone in the U.S. this month that plays both NES & Famicom game. I wonder if Nintendo managed to stop it before any got out.

They've got some cool accessroies for NES & SNES.

Agreed i got genertions 1-5 and the deluxe packs for my Saturn as well,Salamander,Gradius,Paroduis.

Realy it wouldn't be hard to make... one big collections for todays consoles.

Dunno in some odd way i guess, Konami doesn't think it could sell in todays market.

They act like... emulation would be hard for them but it realy isn't at all.

I'm sorry afther, Konami arcade classic for the ps1 and the (Castlevania&Contra collection for the PC) they could have done better :P

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« Reply #127 on: October 26, 2005, 05:21:57 PM »
Quote from: "stevek666"

(keranu, do you like this post ;) )

Hehe, you remember my post about your posts linking to your Turbo Play scans :lol: . Of course I love the post!
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #128 on: October 27, 2005, 03:53:29 AM »
Quote from: "stevek666"
TANGENT: There was an episode of Bionic Woman or 6 million dollar man that had this same premise (contemporary nazis resurrecting hitler).  Much more fun than the movies that used this plot (i.e. "they saved hitler's brain" or whatever).

Umm...  I do know that they did that for Wonder Woman (Season 2)... Yeah, got the DVD's.  Essentially they cloned hitler from some strands of hair.  And it was apparently a full-grown hitler with all of his memory.  (Err... yah.)


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Re: Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #129 on: October 27, 2005, 05:37:41 AM »
Quote from: "td741"
Quote from: "stevek666"
TANGENT: There was an episode of Bionic Woman or 6 million dollar man that had this same premise (contemporary nazis resurrecting hitler).  Much more fun than the movies that used this plot (i.e. "they saved hitler's brain" or whatever).

Umm...  I do know that they did that for Wonder Woman (Season 2)... Yeah, got the DVD's.  Essentially they cloned hitler from some strands of hair.  And it was apparently a full-grown hitler with all of his memory.  (Err... yah.)
Ahh! So it was Wonder Woman! At least I knew it was a female superhero!  Wonderwoman!
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« Reply #130 on: October 29, 2005, 01:04:16 AM »
JP Splatterhouse - Lv 7: instead of the gravestone there is a wooden cross.


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« Reply #131 on: October 29, 2005, 03:57:08 AM »
Quote from: "Yamazaki"
JP Splatterhouse - Lv 7: instead of the gravestone there is a wooden cross.
Excellent! Yes, that makes sense. When Konami localized the NES Castlevanias, for example, they removed a lot of the crosses -- since they were considered an overtly religious symbol. This was Nintendo ofAmerica's policy, I'm pretty sure.

Can anyone out there get a screenshot of this?
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« Reply #132 on: January 09, 2006, 11:10:22 AM »
Quote from: Black_Tiger
He even put in a line in Xak III by one of the townspeople in the first city saying something like "Whats that? You're a Republican? Good for you! Better than being a disgusting lowlife Democrat!" ...or something.

No no no, don't ruin it with inaccurate paraphrasing to the best of your memory. It was this sequence:

I was in silly mood, completely hateful of the Secular Liberal Left after 9-11 and their behavior, so that's what inspired that. I wanted to plug the site mostly, and then I thought since I'm just appending those lines, why now add a few more? I was quite in anti-censorship mode at the time. Instead of censoring myself on what I felt, I decided to express it. ;)

A little late to the party in the thread, I know, but I thought I'd join anyway. I was surprised to find what I did there brought up in a thread so recently. Anyway, I was tempted to add more of that in my Ys patches, preferably something a little more clever than that, but liberals haven't pissed me off as much to have gone that far. I'm just not as aggravated by them as much.

Quote from: twor2005
Steve you might want to avoid lengthy conversations with the guy who did the ys translations if you don't want them spoiled by association.  :wink:

Oh ho ho, clever is you. Don't worry - I hate you liberals as much as you hate me, or at least, you should, because, in all honesty, I am your enemy. But Keranu makes a good point. I enjoyed my pre-9-11 youth and naivete before I knew anything about politics. Apathy is good. He should enjoy being in that position while he has it because you can change dramatically when and if you do become interested in the subject.

These days, I too attempt not to let agitators suck me into serious scuffles. They take a lot of energy and I have more important things to be doing than arguing with people over the Internet. But it is hard and I sometimes am unable to avoid it. However, I did make one attempt in that I stopped going to a board I was visiting for about 3 years given the shear amount of AAAs posting there (Angry Angsty Atheists as I refer to them) - it just finally occured to me I cannot stand being around them and it's pointless. Usually they're ex-Catholic/Christian and what not, in other words, they're weren't atheists early in life, and those are usually the ones I cannot stand the most. They just seem to have a bigger chip on their shoulders than an atheist who's been that way most of their life. I can manage to get along better with those. Just a general obversation, mind you, not an authoritative statement that all of them would fall into; just the ones I've run into over the Internet in the last 4 years or so.

Anyhow, if a person of such an ideological persuasion is respectful and has a trait known as intellectual honesty (which is very important to me when I make judgment about someone), I am more than willing to oblige in return. But yeah, good pot shot there, bud. I should've checked this board more often, but it took Aaron long enough to get rid of ezboard which was a good deterrent to getting more board members. I checked it from time to time as guest when he reopened it, but it didn't seem like the activity was building up so much. Then recently, the Forum Index disappeared for guests, so I registered to do the occasional quick browsing.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 09:15:40 PM by NightWolve »


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« Reply #133 on: January 09, 2006, 07:36:46 PM »
Haha you should have put some hidden political stuff in Ys, mostly just because it would have been hilarious to see the purists whine and cry about it.  It's super funny when people get all riled up over that kind of shit (like all those nerds who swear that Ted Woolsy did such a horrible job back in the day, as if the f*cktards can actually read japanese to make a comparison, haha).


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« Reply #134 on: January 10, 2006, 12:29:29 AM »
Well, I had to be more "respectful," you see... Deuce, the translator, is a big atheist lib, but we got along. Why? Well, cause we became comrades in the cause of Ys! It was Ys after all; I wanted the translation to be faithful and not poisoned by political partisan-hackery, a position I took later down the road. We're still working together on more Ys projects I have cooking up; that's about 4 years I've known him. But anyway, I did leave some Rush Limbaugh references in the ReadMe, cause yeah, I like 'em riled up. There's nothing better for that than ole El Rusho. ;)

As for Ted Woolsey, I've never known what the deal was with that, but I know I enjoyed FFII very much. That, along with Ys Book I & II is why I began to love RPGs. Fan translators that would actually redo the same game, the same rom, I've never understood. I dunno what motivation I would have to replay the game all over again. Most especially with FFII (FFIV) because I already really enjoyed the story and that's why I played it over like three times. Their talking points about how they didn't censor this or that or take too much liberties is inane. Anyhow, it's not like it's a bad thing, but I think if they've got the resources to actually do fan translations, priority should be given to imports that we never got to play in English at all, not retranslations... That's my position. Give us more games that we never got, not retranslations because you hated the translator. Ted Woolsey? Hell, forget him, how about Victor Ireland and dancing over the grave of Working Designs [err, now 'Failing Designs']? LOL That's some real hatred I've come across right there...