Author Topic: Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games  (Read 3599 times)

Black Tiger

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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #90 on: July 11, 2005, 04:28:44 PM »
Quote from: "twor2005"
Steve you might want to avoid lengthy conversations with the guy who did the ys translations if you don't want them spoiled by association.  :wink:

Heck I can't even get the things to work. But I'm sure thats my own lack of skills, and blank cds. Ys complete looks to die for too. And I could deal with Ys 4 and xak.

He even put in a line in Xak III by one of the townspeople in the first city saying something like "Whats that? You're a Republican? Good for you! Better than being a disgusting lowlife Democrat!" ...or something.

Its fine by me though(I would've prefered lowlife politician personally...), since he(along with several others) is doing such a huge service for the gaming community in general, let alone PCE fans.

I don't care what townspeople say, if it doesn't further the quest then a translator can put anything short of hatred for them and I'll still appreciate it.

As for the patches, you need to follow his instructions exactly, but he's such a nice guy he'll do what he can to help you through it either way if you contact him.

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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #91 on: July 11, 2005, 05:22:41 PM »
Haha that was awesome in Xak III, I remember being all WTF, but it was so unexpected and out of place it was actually pretty funny.


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #92 on: July 11, 2005, 07:41:31 PM »
I never caught that line! Haha, and yeah Nightwolve can get very serious about stuff like that in conversations, so I just avoid it, especially since I hate talking about politics and what not.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #93 on: July 11, 2005, 09:49:19 PM »
Yeah I don't really give a f*ck, I just want to play some games  :o

Preferably with something funny done to them for the US release.


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #94 on: July 12, 2005, 06:39:51 AM »
Quote from: "twor2005"
Steve you might want to avoid lengthy conversations with the guy who did the ys translations if you don't want them spoiled by association.  :wink:
Good to know :).  I'll stick to videogame-only topics. :)

Quote from: "twor2005"
Yeah I don't really give a f*ck, I just want to play some games  :o
Hey, you can do BOTH! :).  Don't be another TV Casualty! ;)
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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #95 on: July 12, 2005, 06:57:07 AM »
Quote from: "Black_Tiger"
He even put in a line in Xak III by one of the townspeople in the first city saying something like "Whats that? You're a Republican? Good for you! Better than being a disgusting lowlife Democrat!" ...or something.

Its fine by me though(I would've prefered lowlife politician personally...), since he(along with several others) is doing such a huge service for the gaming community in general, let alone PCE fans.

I don't care what townspeople say, if it doesn't further the quest then a translator can put anything short of hatred for them and I'll still appreciate it.

As for the patches, you need to follow his instructions exactly, but he's such a nice guy he'll do what he can to help you through it either way if you contact him.
Awesome, thanks for the info! Myself, I'd prefer to have progressive, left-wing agit-prop in games, since we're overwhelmed with conservative, right-wing ideology as it is. But this line in Xak is FUNNY! And it's such a general statement, it's not bad at all.  I've played old text-adventures (hacked versions) in which lots of homophobic, racist and misogynistic content was added.  That was crazy.

One of these days I'll figure out how to patch games (I mostly play on consoles) so I can play Xak and Ys IV!
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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #96 on: July 12, 2005, 11:18:41 AM »
Quote from: "twor2005"
Quote from: "Tron"
Does any body know the differnce with the, U.S&JPN version of Devil Crush?

I've herd the U.S one is missing the pentagram :?:

Looks like the pentagram is changed to one of those 8 sided stars like the smaller ones on the lower part of the board in both versions. More consistent that way if nothing else. No other differences that I can see.

Well that clears it up when ever i get a copy.It won't matter... wich version i get then 8)

Wii U:Progearspec


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #97 on: July 12, 2005, 11:33:02 AM »
Quote from: "stevek666"

One of these days I'll figure out how to patch games (I mostly play on consoles) so I can play Xak and Ys IV!

Not to change the subject i got free copy of... Y's IV from a friend with the english patch.

I'll say this every body should try it,it's worth while to play it in english :D

Wii U:Progearspec


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #98 on: July 12, 2005, 02:57:34 PM »
Quote from: "Keranu"
I never caught that line! Haha, and yeah Nightwolve can get very serious about stuff like that in conversations, so I just avoid it, especially since I hate talking about politics and what not.

I certainly appreciate the guy's work, but I have a lot of trouble taking a guy seriously when he has a picture of Ronald Reagan as his avatar.  It's a bit too radical for my tastes.

Have to say I'd vote for Ronnie over Dubya any day though.  :)

Emperor Megas

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Just came across this thread and thought I'd offer my 2¢...
« Reply #99 on: September 09, 2005, 04:22:12 AM »
Quote from: "Ninja Spirit"
For anyone who's played Final Zone II in English (I only seen the clip in Japanese language.)

What did Momoko say to Bowie that made him slap her?

It wasn't quite as raw/uncalled for as many here remember it. Bowie actually slaps Momoko because she says that he's being manipulated by the military and that "Someday, you'll end up like my brother", who by all accounts died right in front of them in an explosion.

Velda/Verda and Bowie were comrades-in-arms and clearly close personal friends. Bowie was pissed because he felt Momoko dishonored her brother's sacrifice and loyalty to the military.
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Re: Just came across this thread and thought I'd offer my 2¢
« Reply #100 on: September 09, 2005, 05:55:27 AM »
Quote from: "Emperor Megas"
Quote from: "Ninja Spirit"
For anyone who's played Final Zone II in English (I only seen the clip in Japanese language.)

What did Momoko say to Bowie that made him slap her?

It wasn't quite as raw/uncalled for as many here remember it. Bowie actually slaps Momoko because she says that he's being manipulated by the military and that "Someday, you'll end up like my brother", who by all accounts died right in front of them in an explosion.

Velda/Verda and Bowie were comrades-in-arms and clearly close personal friends. Bowie was pissed because he felt Momoko dishonored her brother's sacrifice and loyalty to the military.
Dude, if you're living in the stone-ages, assaulting Momoko might not have been "uncalled" for. But by any standard, the Bowie we know and love should be able to deal with his feelings and emotions -- no matter how  hurt he feels by Momoko -- and not resort to violence. Channel that violence against Ruman, Bowie!    Momoko friggin' loves you Bowie -- she even went to the trouble of recording a SONG FOR YOU -- you don't hit the ones you love!

That said, I would not want this scene to be censored, by any means. It is much more interesting to see Bowie as a flawed, violent, even sexist, character. So, the problem is not that Bowie assaulted Momoko (this is clearly wrong), but the problem is any attempt to justify or legitimate his assault.

Emperor Megas (love that handle, by the way :)), I totally appreciate your point and I think it is very important: we do need to have a better understanding of Bowie's motivations and his state of mind when he slaps Momoko) -- but I would stop there.  I wouldn't suggest that "she had it coming", lest I open a can whoop ass on you :)

I hope you don't think I was too harsh on you, I tried to ease up on the sermonizing :). And I really do think you made a great contribution -- I'm totally incorporating your point into the article. Thanks!
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« Reply #101 on: September 09, 2005, 07:52:06 AM »
Steve that's japanese culture for you though, from watching a bajillion samurai movies I gather that when someone dishonors you or your brother you're allowed to slap the shit out of them, hell she's lucky he didn't kill her on the spot regardless of who she was, haha.  That scene completely rules, I miss the days when that kind of shit could fly.  I mean we have in-your-face blood and guts now, but nothing as wickedly awesome as exploding Hitler or the Bowie slap.


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« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2005, 09:24:03 AM »
Quote from: "GUTS"
Steve that's japanese culture for you though, from watching a bajillion samurai movies I gather that when someone dishonors you or your brother you're allowed to slap the shit out of them, hell she's lucky he didn't kill her on the spot regardless of who she was, haha.  That scene completely rules, I miss the days when that kind of shit could fly.  I mean we have in-your-face blood and guts now, but nothing as wickedly awesome as exploding Hitler or the Bowie slap.
I totally agree! But it's not just Japanese culture: face-slapping was big in U.S. pop culture as well! And the desire to face-slap a woman has always been firmly entrenched in U.S. culture for a long time (i.e. The Honeymooners!).

What's funny is that FZII, as a game, sucks. But there is so much to still appreciate about it (I love the music, and some of the scenes are pretty kool -- like the confrontation with Ruman at the end).

Of course, the Bowie-Momoko Face Slap cannot be topped. :)
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« Reply #103 on: September 09, 2005, 10:31:37 AM »
Haha the Honeymooners was AWESOME, I loved how he was always THIS close to slapping the shit out of Alice just because she was right and he was wrong.  That is one of the few old comedies that holds up well today I think, the jokes were pretty timeless and obviously very groundbreaking.  I just watched a bunch of episodes last summer and they were just as funny to me as Seinfeld, Cheers, or Newsradio (that show rocked!).


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Censoring / Sanitizing North American Games
« Reply #104 on: September 09, 2005, 11:01:29 AM »
Quote from: "GUTS"
Haha the Honeymooners was AWESOME, I loved how he was always THIS close to slapping the shit out of Alice just because she was right and he was wrong.  That is one of the few old comedies that holds up well today I think, the jokes were pretty timeless and obviously very groundbreaking.  I just watched a bunch of episodes last summer and they were just as funny to me as Seinfeld, Cheers, or Newsradio (that show rocked!).
Honeymooners RULED. I totally agree. Another show that still holds up well is "I Love Lucy", though I think that Honymooners has a much better cast of characters. I liked Newsradio, too, though it isn't nearly as great as Seinfeld (Seinfeld's characters have much more depth, in my opinion). Cheers (and to a lesser extent, Frasier) are classic.

At night, I take a break from work and watch Just Shoot Me (it's on a midnight here)... I was mildly amused by this show when it originally aired, but I have much more respect for it now. I think it really, really rocks. Why? A pretty awesome cast of characters who are allowed who have some depth, even though it does't appear so on the surface.
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