I am proud to announce that a new devotional film dedicated to the NEC PC-FX 32-Bit video game console has now been released. Nothing on this scale or production level has ever been done for the PC-FX and most likely never for any other game console outside of official promos.
The idea behind The PC-FX Devotional Film was simple - create a never-before-seen, high-production and powerful film that the PC-FX so rightly needed...but to make the film stand out from the rest it had to be special - so after 4 days of all live-action filming, 60GB of 1080i HD footage and applying professional filming & camera motion techniques, I have a finished film that does the PC-FX console justice.
This has been a long time coming and after many dozens hours of production work on the film I'm proud to release it for all to see. Watch the film and post your questions or comments here - I'd love to hear from you.
TRAILER (added 12/15)
FILMORIGINAL CUT (previously unreleased)ORIGINAL CUT & RELEASED FILM (side-by-side edit compare)Enjoy!