I like Blazing Lazers but think it's a bit over rated. Don't like how the first 8 levels are super easy then the last is super hard. I Much prefer Soldier Blade, Super Star Soldier, Lords of Thunder, Gate of Thunder, Aero Blasters and Air Zonk. But that's just one duders opinion.
I agree that Blazing Lazers has some flaws (for example, stage 2 is too long, easy, and should have been re-formulated).
However, Blazing Lazers still rules because you can change the difficulty (I play on "God of Game").
Trust me, you'll have a blast!
HINT: For the last stage, it becomes much, much easier once you figure out a strategy. For example, I often mess up, die, and lose all my power-ups. But that's OK, because the last stage is totally passable with nothing but a pea shooter:
1) Adjusting speed is an important strategy. Put speed to max (or near max) to quickly destroy enemies on far left/far right with pea shooter.
2) Embrace the awesome double-bass drum sound of the music. Goddamn, that's a great tune. It outclasses 99% of Red Book/modern crap.
3) Be grateful you're not playing "God of Game" difficulty level. Then you would be crying.
4) Throughout the game, collect the "blinking rainbow" power-ups to continue immediately after dying without going back to a checkpoint (the power-up that changes numbers and can be hit with your weapons...it eventually goes rainbow).