OK, stick w/ the AC adapaters that came w/ each system. It would be VERY odd if all three AC adapters went bad at the same time. Check them all to see if they are original issue and are the appropriate specs.
Use different outlets in your home. Just check to see if the CD spins if no TV is available.
Did you take the consoles from a VERY COLD to a very warm place? Condensation might have occurred, perhaps... give it a few hours and try again.
Does absolutely nothing happen when you try to turn them on? Or does the CD spin but you get no picture? Details please
As for the consoles + AC: some folks at this board have had problems with their Japanese DUO when they didn't step down the voltage (i.e. CD drive not reading). Now, many folks don't do this and haven't had any problems (and the 10 volt difference won't fry your hardware, supposedly), but scaredy cats like myself step-down the voltage (Radio Shack is your friend).
You're right, it would be very odd for all 3 consoles to die at the same time, even if they were manhandled during shipping...