OK, next question:
When I compile(?) the HelloWorld example with HUC, the resultant ".s" file has, as it's last couple of lines:
(Minor question: Is "__arg" related to argc and/or argv?)
When I link(?) the HelloWorld example with PCEAS, the resultant ".lst" file has...gasp!..the same thing
(also at the end). And, slightly prior to the location of this label, is the directive ".bank CONSTANT_BANK"
Somewhat further back, there is another ".bss" section:
msflag: .ds 1
msvert: .ds 1
mshorz: .ds 1
And, slightly prior to the location of THESE labels, it the directive ".bank LIB1_BANK"
So, does this mean that, although both sets of labels are in ".bss" sections, they are not related to each other since they are in different banks?
The ".bank" directive has no effect on the ".bss" directive, and all the ".bss" sections are sequential.
That is, in memory would they look like this:
msflag: .ds 1
msvert: .ds 1
mshorz: .ds 1
Thus, "__arg", as a label, is in the memory location immediately/sequentially following "mshorz"?
Sorry, Tom, I honestly do not get the pun! Should I translate ":" as "colon", therefore "I alway use colon too"?