I was browsing ebay and found a listing for a defective PCE interface unit with the CDROM and a Core Grafx for $48 plus shipping. I thought to myself what the hell I'll give it a try.
Well it finally arrived yesterday afternoon and I began to troubleshoot the unit. Seperated the CDROM and PCE and powered them on individually.
First I test the CDROM unit. Ok it spins up, makes some nasty noises and stops spinning... So its a Laser issue maybe?
Now I attempt to power on the Core unit and get absolutly nothing, not even a flicker on the screen.
So I dissassemble the unit and this is what I find...
A nasty crack in the mainboard thats about 2" long and severs traces along the bottom and top of the board.(*note* Pictures are taken after I scraped the board to expose the traces)
So with some patience I follow the traces and attempt a repair.
**placeholder for top pic**
ok soldering done(green circles indicated areas where traces were severed)
now some hot glue to hold the wires in place
testing... YAY!
So next i'm going to dissassemble the interface unit and CDROM to see whats going on.
Also, does anybody know where I can purchase a region mod preassembled PCB on the cheap?