I had that issue with the cable snapping off the board before, it's a pretty simple fix, you use a solder sucker to suck out all of the solder from the holes and then you take the ribbon cable still attached to the HUcard port part, you cut off the broken bit to produce a neater cut, then you take a stanley knife, score each side and pull off the plastic from each wire with some pliers. Then you tin each wire (it will melt the plastic a bit in places but this doesn't matter) feed the cable back into the holes and solder it all up again.
Takes a lot less time than cutting all those individual lengths of wire.
And I will take care it does not happen again, it occurred with a pre modded unit I was applying an extra mod to. If you do this in future, my advice with premodded units is to check the strength of the cable and if it seems like it might eventually break from the board, use serious care with this because refitting ribbon cable is bloody annoying and time consuming for something that seems so simple.
All credit to the PCE it seems no matter what you cut on the board it won't perma damage any ICs, if you had any such damage to oh, say, a Saturn it'd fry it in some respect. Such a badly put together console.
I even had a PCE with snapped off RGB pins that was repairable, I took a knife and scored down through the casing of the chip (you can use a dremel for this but I'd say you risk cutting down through the metal pins furthur) to expose more metal, soldered to that and the damn thing worked. I love the PCE.