Master of MonstersI can't objectively judge this because my first experiences were with the Genesis version (my brother is even more fantatic than I am about this game), so I love the Genny version to bits.
I also like the Genny music (decent variety, # of tracks)...
A few years ago I picked up the PCE version, really hoping for Red Book (no such luck, only the... title screen (?) music is Red Book, IIRC).
As for the battle scenes, the PCE version looks nice, but it felt disconnected compared to the Genny version.
Neither version, though, provides a really satisfying "battle"... while I love the game, I think it could have been more visceral.
Great game, though, overall.
* P.S. We (I) should re-visit the PCE version to see what it has to offer. I didn't spend much time with it.