While were at it do you mind if i ask something about a playstation game that featured in that magazine?
I know it's a bit off topic but it's hard to know something about that matter, even on the net!
Before the release of the playstation the hyped and anticipated "Legend" or "Labyrinth" game wich featured on a Japanese television show and wowed the crowd for it's 3D capabilities featured a dragon in a mazelike fortress.
At least from what i have read and seen on the screenshot.
I don't find anything on the net about it so i guess it was just a demo to show off.
At that time i didn't have a very high intrest in videogames, otherwise i should have known about it.
I was suprised when i looked in some old magazines how many games that were listed and most even almost to completion that were never released!
Shame, shame...