Just nudged an old friend I grew up with about this, he lives in Tokyo now but was the only other person I knew of that subscribed. His memory is a lot better than mine too...
"Blimey, that is a blast from the past! Thank you for the reminder, it made me tingle with wonderful memories.
I remember the fanzine clearly. As for the title, I`m sure you are right as I remember it standing for `PCengine People`. I remember issue 0 was A4 in size and of a very high quality all things considered. Someone clearly had access to Daddy`s Apple Mac. Content was PCE game reviews and features on Japanese culture etc. I remember it coming from the South (Devon/Somerset?) also which was somewhat refreshing as most known hardcore PCE fans were always Northern for some reason.
Prior to receiving issue 1 a proper, the readership was asked to complete a questionnaire. I really took my time over it and tried to convey that there was another one out there that knew as much as they did. It backfired as you remember.
The reason they gave for it stopping (before it really started) was not because of lack of interest but lack of like-minded subscribers, they were somehow offended by the opinions within the returned questionnaires. For example, their reaction to the question `What do you value most?` Most kids of course put `My boxed RGB white PC Engine` or `My PC Engine games` etc. They responded on the lines of `How about your family or you eyesight dude?` Another example; What is your favourite PC Engine game?` `Dracula X, Super Star Parody, Don Doko Don, Gomola Speed etc` `How about Bomberman `94 or Word Court Tennis? The PC Engine is about playing games up to 5-players and getting cained dude.`"
Interesting stuff