Hey! First, I want to say that I received La Bible PC Engine #1 and it really is nice. I am glad to see this project finally come to fruition.
This was such a looooong project and I'm also glad we finally wrapped it up. The final book is incredible, way beyond my wildest expectations and the whole team has been great. We're now working on Vol#2 which should be (at least) twice the fun
even if you only know a smattering of French.
I think this is cool, you can learn about the PC Engine and how to speack French in one go ! How good is that ? I don't know that many books out there that can achieve such level of effectiveness
No more seriously, we've been talking about an English version but many factors need to be considered first. That'd funny 'cause I have the opposite problem - a lot of French people have asked me to translate my web site in French... Ill keep ya posted.
Second, it would be wonderful to see the scans you have. They could serve as placeholders until better page scans are made .
I'll try to dig them out this week end... but I've been really busy at work recently, so it may take some time...