I'm pretty happy with my setup. I've got a TG-16 w/ multitap sitting next to my Duo-R sporting an awesome (rare) joystick (I forget the name, the one with all the buttons and doohickies and built in multitap). It's all hooked up to a big standard TV and a nice, kickin' game sound system with a respectable bass thump.
The fact that I have this, along with an Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Intellivision, Colecovision, Saturn, Atari XEGS, Odyssey 2, Arcadia 2001, Astrocade, Channel F, NES, SMS, Genesis, RCA Studio 2, Vextrex, and three Arcade games (along with a PC, a Laptop, and assorted routers) without causing a brownout is one of the Great Unsolved Mysteries of Northern California
Let's just say I keep Home Depot ordering power strips on a regular basis...