Black Tiger - great link, I will look at the thread tonight when I get a chance.
esteban - Ok, I will put my WIP on this site (in the modding section) in the interim; with just a couple/few pics to date from the existing log. Today, i got the decals printed onto clear waterslide paper and gave them three coats of spray paint varnish, in preparation. Will start my worklog on this site by end of week - too much on at the moment. Lots of work to do on this project remaining.
I anticipate finishing this project (the TurboGrafx section anyway) in the next month or two, so not long to wait!
My plan is not to update my website much now, I am going for a brand new design and format, which I will release when I put this project console publicised on the web. My previous projects seem to generate 30k-50k hits or thereabouts, and intend to link interested people to this site (from my site) as the forum and my site for a downloadable guide and details on my other systems. I asked the BenHeck forum administrators to make a new "other retro systems" forum to cover systems like the TG-16, nothing has happened, so using this site instead!!