So I run into a guy at the post office the other day when I was shipping out a Sega CDX i sold on eBay. I get talking to him and tell him I am really a Turbografx nut. So he says he has a TG CD in his shed. I asked him if he was interested in selling it and he said sure. So he calls me today and says he pulled it out but doesn't have an A/C adapter to test it. I ask him how much he wants for it and he says $100 for the TG-16, the CD and 10 games. So I tell him I have a A/C to test it and to just bring it over.
He brings it to my house and I hook it up. It has power but the CD wont spin. I play with it a little bit but cant get it working. I told him I wasn't willing to pay $100 for it not working. So he says ok, give me $40. I agree to give him $40 and pay him. I play with it a little more but still cant get it to work. Sooooo I call up Windancer and ask him if he has any ideas since Im clueless and have never opened a CD up before. So I open it up and Windancer guides me along with what to look for and what to do. He tells me to take the gear and spin it so the laser moves all the way to one end. Which I did. I put it all back together and plugged it all in and BINGO! So $40 into it and less than 10 minutes worth of work and I have a new treasure! So ended up with an entire TG-16 CD setup with 10 games for $40!
So I cleaned everything up and tried to plug it in and it was stuck again. I opened it back up again and moved the laser and once again it worked just fine. What type of lubricant should I put on it so it wont stick?
Thanks Windancer!