Author Topic: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation  (Read 1441 times)


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POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« on: May 09, 2009, 08:11:07 AM »
Pop 'N Magic fun little platform game this, back in the early nineties it was one of the games I got shipped with my first DUO and I was blown away by the Anime cut scenes.

any other Pop 'N Magic fans on the forum?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 11:02:41 PM by HardcoreOtaku »


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 08:15:16 AM »
Paging master sin ;) lol

It is a great game, colorful visuals, good music, fun ass game.
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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2009, 04:39:36 AM »
GREAT game yes.  Even my fiance loves it.  I'd go more into depth but my bachelor party was last night and I'm forking shot.  :|

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2009, 10:52:46 PM »
It's one of Riot/Telenet's best games, and I love the music on the beachy levels. The visual scenes are great too, very clean artwork and full screen, none of this tiny windowed stuff.
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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2009, 11:56:03 PM »
Yeah the game was cute and decent to play... :D


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2009, 12:06:21 AM »
Ya know, I hear everyone harp about how "great" this game is and list their reasons, but no one ever addresses the most important part: the severely lacking game play. The fact that everyone in general always makes mention of things like this:

I was blown away by the Anime cut scenes.

It is a great game, colorful visuals, good music, fun ass game.

(btw awesome explanation of the games greatness nec :P)

I am inclined to believe that everyone is either easily impressed by nice looking cut scenes and music, or everyone here but me is part of some crazy ass secret Pop 'N Magic loving cult that I am not privy to. I am beginning to think it's both   [-(

Speaking of the music, I honestly can't remember what a single track sounded like, which usually means the music wasn't anything special. This is coming from a guy who remembered how a single track from a single game sounded like that he heard only once when he has 8 years old  :wink:

Call me crazy, but I don't see the appeal behind a game that I can probably clear in my sleep, with the only thing going for it is some long, rather boring anime cutscenes (most of which is spent talking in a language I don't understand: Japanese and with 0 action. That's some awesome stuff right there folks! :roll:)

It's like an easy ass bubble bobble with colorful graphics, bland music, overly simplistic gameplay, and long annoying cutscenes (annoying because they aren't entertaining to watch in the least, and they somehow manage to be even more bland than the gameplay) When Windancer sent me a burn to try, and he and others made it out to be one of the most awesome things ever, I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone just talked about how good it is with little more reason than the visuals and presentation. (2 things that I never rush out and buy a game solely for)

So I played the game, tried to sit through the intro, gave up out of boredom and skipped it (or waited for it to end, I can't remember if you could skip the scenes), started to play the game, and noticed something was off. Sure the visuals are nice but nothing impressive. Honestly I think Parasol Stars looked better (and played better too). However, the thing that really started to irk me was the challenge, or in this games case, the lack thereof. I was clearing stages in seconds, and only started to die when I was getting bored and started jacking around, hoping to find something redeeming about it. Finally, I decided to continue until the first game over. Too bad it never came, because as I kept going on and losing my patience, it was becoming evident that the game over wasn't coming anytime soon. So I turned the game off in disgust and boredom.

IIRC, I popped in Neo Nectaris (a much better game btw :P) and played that for a good few hours. Thank god I didn't pay a cent for this pile of meh, otherwise I would be having some serious buyers remorse.

Just my two cents, I'd love to hear some comments on the games actual gameplay :P


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 02:48:36 AM »
Ya know, I hear everyone harp about how "great" this game is and list their reasons, but no one ever addresses the most important part: the severely lacking game play. The fact that everyone in general always makes mention of things like this:

I was blown away by the Anime cut scenes.

It is a great game, colorful visuals, good music, fun ass game.

(btw awesome explanation of the games greatness nec :P)

I am inclined to believe that everyone is either easily impressed by nice looking cut scenes and music, or everyone here but me is part of some crazy ass secret Pop 'N Magic loving cult that I am not privy to. I am beginning to think it's both   [-(

Speaking of the music, I honestly can't remember what a single track sounded like, which usually means the music wasn't anything special. This is coming from a guy who remembered how a single track from a single game sounded like that he heard only once when he has 8 years old  :wink:

Call me crazy, but I don't see the appeal behind a game that I can probably clear in my sleep, with the only thing going for it is some long, rather boring anime cutscenes (most of which is spent talking in a language I don't understand: Japanese and with 0 action. That's some awesome stuff right there folks! :roll:)

It's like an easy ass bubble bobble with colorful graphics, bland music, overly simplistic gameplay, and long annoying cutscenes (annoying because they aren't entertaining to watch in the least, and they somehow manage to be even more bland than the gameplay) When Windancer sent me a burn to try, and he and others made it out to be one of the most awesome things ever, I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone just talked about how good it is with little more reason than the visuals and presentation. (2 things that I never rush out and buy a game solely for)

So I played the game, tried to sit through the intro, gave up out of boredom and skipped it (or waited for it to end, I can't remember if you could skip the scenes), started to play the game, and noticed something was off. Sure the visuals are nice but nothing impressive. Honestly I think Parasol Stars looked better (and played better too). However, the thing that really started to irk me was the challenge, or in this games case, the lack thereof. I was clearing stages in seconds, and only started to die when I was getting bored and started jacking around, hoping to find something redeeming about it. Finally, I decided to continue until the first game over. Too bad it never came, because as I kept going on and losing my patience, it was becoming evident that the game over wasn't coming anytime soon. So I turned the game off in disgust and boredom.

IIRC, I popped in Neo Nectaris (a much better game btw :P) and played that for a good few hours. Thank god I didn't pay a cent for this pile of meh, otherwise I would be having some serious buyers remorse.

Just my two cents, I'd love to hear some comments on the games actual gameplay :P

Funny how you haven't played through it yet assume you could clear it in your sleep.
The music is excellent- fits the game perfectly- the gameplay is smooth and addictive (especially for two players)- but not for you- and no one said it was better than Parasol Stars (very few games are).  If there's any drawback- it's that I would've liked a bigger variety of powerups.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 02:52:08 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2009, 03:12:55 AM »
Funny how you haven't played through it yet assume you could clear it in your sleep.
The music is excellent- fits the game perfectly- the gameplay is smooth and addictive (especially for two players)- but not for you- and no one said it was better than Parasol Stars (very few games are).  If there's any drawback- it's that I would've liked a bigger variety of powerups.

All I'm saying is if a game makes me turn it off out of boredom and not frustration, somethings not right. It's not a horrible game by any means, I just never understood why it is so highly regarded, especially when there are far better games out there for the pce. I'll take your word on the music, but I honestly don't remember any of it, it didn't really leave an impression on me. I only brought up Parasol Stars as it is possibly the next closest thing in game play (Don Doko Don might be the third closest) and is 1000x better, I never said anyone said that Pop N' Magic was better :P

I'm not trying to be an a$$hole, but would you care to elaborate what makes the gameplay "addictive". I'll be honest, maybe I'm missing something here, it wouldn't be the first time. Does the game pick up much at all later in the game, I'm not sure how many stages I cleared, but it didn't take long at all before I got bored with it.


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 03:17:40 AM »
yeah it picks up quite a bit- I remember a haunted tower (not the haunted house) board that was awesome.  I keep meaning to play this one again but I've been neglecting my CDs in favor of hueys lately. 
try it with two players- if your sour patch ass can find a friend- one who doesn't mind being surrounded by bedbugs!  :P
Out of these ssp type games I've played on pce- I'd say Don Doko Don is the worst of the bunch- though still entertaining.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2009, 03:47:08 AM »
I thought the gameplay was just a bit of light hearted fun, for example its a totally different type of gaming experience to the intense style of gameplay of winds of thunder or Soldier Blade which are great in a totally different way.
Also the lovely colourful graphics of Pop 'n Magic make it a pleasure to play.


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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2009, 08:20:53 AM »
Ya know, I hear everyone harp about how "great" this game is and list their reasons, but no one ever addresses the most important part: the severely lacking game play. The fact that everyone in general always makes mention of things like this:

I was blown away by the Anime cut scenes.

It is a great game, colorful visuals, good music, fun ass game.

(btw awesome explanation of the games greatness nec :P)

I am inclined to believe that everyone is either easily impressed by nice looking cut scenes and music, or everyone here but me is part of some crazy ass secret Pop 'N Magic loving cult that I am not privy to. I am beginning to think it's both   [-(

Speaking of the music, I honestly can't remember what a single track sounded like, which usually means the music wasn't anything special. This is coming from a guy who remembered how a single track from a single game sounded like that he heard only once when he has 8 years old  :wink:

Call me crazy, but I don't see the appeal behind a game that I can probably clear in my sleep, with the only thing going for it is some long, rather boring anime cutscenes (most of which is spent talking in a language I don't understand: Japanese and with 0 action. That's some awesome stuff right there folks! :roll:)

It's like an easy ass bubble bobble with colorful graphics, bland music, overly simplistic gameplay, and long annoying cutscenes (annoying because they aren't entertaining to watch in the least, and they somehow manage to be even more bland than the gameplay) When Windancer sent me a burn to try, and he and others made it out to be one of the most awesome things ever, I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone just talked about how good it is with little more reason than the visuals and presentation. (2 things that I never rush out and buy a game solely for)

So I played the game, tried to sit through the intro, gave up out of boredom and skipped it (or waited for it to end, I can't remember if you could skip the scenes), started to play the game, and noticed something was off. Sure the visuals are nice but nothing impressive. Honestly I think Parasol Stars looked better (and played better too). However, the thing that really started to irk me was the challenge, or in this games case, the lack thereof. I was clearing stages in seconds, and only started to die when I was getting bored and started jacking around, hoping to find something redeeming about it. Finally, I decided to continue until the first game over. Too bad it never came, because as I kept going on and losing my patience, it was becoming evident that the game over wasn't coming anytime soon. So I turned the game off in disgust and boredom.

IIRC, I popped in Neo Nectaris (a much better game btw :P) and played that for a good few hours. Thank god I didn't pay a cent for this pile of meh, otherwise I would be having some serious buyers remorse.

Just my two cents, I'd love to hear some comments on the games actual gameplay :P

Yep liking the colorful visuals, and music..much less it being FUN (arguably THE most important part of a game) is a COMPLETE lack of explanation  :roll: ](*,)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 08:33:38 AM by nectarsis »
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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2009, 08:59:45 AM »
I haven't tried out this game yet, but did catch a video of it. Seems like the controls/game runs a bit slow. Looks like it could use a speed up. Anyway, I need to check this one out.

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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2009, 09:05:02 AM »
Yep liking the colorful visuals, and music..much less it being FUN (arguably THE most important part of a game) is a COMPLETE lack of explanation  :roll: ](*,)

I'd rather play a fun bad game than a boring "good" game. :)

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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2009, 10:08:53 AM »
I haven't tried out this game yet, but did catch a video of it. Seems like the controls/game runs a bit slow. Looks like it could use a speed up. Anyway, I need to check this one out.

The controls are slow at first, but after a few speed power-ups you are zipping along at a perfectly adequate pace.
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Re: POP 'N MAGIC Appreciation
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2009, 11:26:48 PM »
Yep liking the colorful visuals, and music..much less it being FUN (arguably THE most important part of a game) is a COMPLETE lack of explanation  :roll: ](*,)

I'm sorry but visuals and music never have and never will make a game fun. They might help the overall experience of the game, but certainly not make it "fun". Nec I don't know if you hear yourself talking, but my question is WHAT makes it fun? Surely not the music and visuals, if that were the case you'd be satisfied with watching cut scenes alone. You see what I am getting at? I know "fun" is highly subjective, but I wouldn't be very convinced if a reviewer told me in a review: "This game is bright and colorful, has great music, and most importantly, it's FUN!" If anything I'd probably question how he ever got a job as a reviewer. It certainly does not give me any insight to how the game plays (see that word there? Gameplay? Ya know, the thing that in almost all games, makes a game "fun") My gripe is everyone claims how fun it is but never explains where or how this fun is achieved. Hell I didn't even know it played like a bubble bobble clone until I actually tried it, way to backup claims of this games fun factor by not even describing what the hell it is.  :roll:

The problem is when everyone and there dog starts to harp on about good a game is, but never describe much about the game itself, people buy into the hype. It's very misleading. Again I wouldn't be nearly so confused to half of the games praise if I only heard something with a little more weight than "it's just fun". If I actually bought this game based solely on the majority liking it, I would be very pissed. You guys should really elaborate some more initially. :P

I'd rather play a fun bad game than a boring "good" game. :)

I think of a "good" game as a "fun" game. Name one "fun, bad" game you have ever played. Those two words don't really seem to fit together. Isn't that an oxymoron? If a game is bad, how can it be fun?  :-k Unless you mean the general consensus is that a game is bad and not your own personal experience. Btw you are mistaken, Pop N' Magic is not fun by a long shot. It's an extremely boring and mediocre game that nothing stands out about it. It's not fun by any means, I don't see how the game doesn't put everyone to sleep...  :evil:

Again, my main gripe is how everyone makes this out to be such an awesome game. If I was only told that the game was kinda cool, instead of hearing how "kick ass" and "awesome" it was and have it recommended to me all the time, I probably wouldn't be so flabbergasted at how much praise it gets. Quite frankly it was members here who got my expectations up to such a high level the game could never hope to achieve. At this point I had more fun with J.J. and Jeff, at least I knew what to expect from that one, and it isn't nearly as bad as so many make it out to be. Oh that's right, I went there!  :twisted: