I've noticed a trend of certain games getting glowing recommendations, with little or no explanation as to why. Really the gripe is hearing about how fun or good a game is and never any reason why that person thought so.
Boo-frickin'-hoo! I guess everyone should write a dissertation complete with in-game videos and historical references, just so your lazy ass isn't disappointed. If someone recommends a game, there's nothing stopping you from asking for more information or from taking some initiative to check out youtube footage, the PC Engine Bible, VG Den, etc., so don't blame others for your inability to do a bit o' research.
They're f*cking video games, for chrissakes! You didn't like the game, eh? Then throw the cdr away, move on to some other game, and shut your whine hole. Besides, your negative review of
Pop 'N Magic is equally non-descriptive. You complain of "severely lacking game play", but never explain why. Were the controls stiff? Was the hit detection poor? Who knows - you only say that it was "overly simplistic", whatever the hell that means. You go on to complain about the cut scenes, but your inability to understand Japanese is not the game's fault. The only meaningful complaint put forward is the difficultly level, yet you obviously haven't played enough of the game to provide an informed opinion.