Necro, I don't know if it's your lack of sarcasm detection, the fact that most people tend to ignore emoticons, or that you really just love picking a fight when there really isn't a problem, but the majority of the harsh language was used in a sarcastic sense. Notice the use of many such smileys such as:

meaning I'm joking or talking in such a manner knowing it might be seen as provoking if I didn't make it clear I wasn't seriously angry or something. The

which 99% of the time when I or anyone else uses it, it's to imply sarcasm, but not in a demeaning or spiteful way. Sometimes I even put a

after it (though not in this thread) to make my intent more clear. Also the


which again I never use in any sort of provoking way. Call me crazy but I don't think I sat there singling out any member alone, only when responding to a reply in this thread or when it made sense to mention any member to illustrate one of my points.
I was perfectly fine leaving my original posts at that, but I really didn't appreciate your tone or response, which certainly came off as more angry, judgmental, and condescending than ANYTHING I have typed in this thread. This is of course, assuming you pick up on my cues of sarcasm. Please don't think I am being condescending in this reply, I'm really not trying to be. I honestly believe you don't understand the spirit of my posts and I want to make sure we are clear on this. Whereas my snide remarks were merely in jest and certainly not spiteful, your reply certainly seemed that way. At least I can only assume so with only one smiley to help indicate your tone.
Woah man, time out! Why all the angst? Why all the anger? I simply stated my opinion on Pop N' Magic, stated I don't understand why so many like certain games, and asked for a little more in depth reasons why people like it.
No, you didn't. You stated that Pop 'N Magic's game play was "severely lacking" (without much by way of explanation),
To me this illustrates you completely missed the emoticons and lighthearted jabs at other members. "Severely lacking" is but an opinion and yes, while I did not go fully in depth as to why I thought so, I tried to put a little more reasoning behind my feelings towards this game, than the basic, "it's just fun" I always hear. Keeping in mind that if I was called out on it (which you did, but in quite a rude and snarky way), I was fully prepared to elaborate my views which I finally did in my last response. I wanted to make sure someone was interested before bothering to go into detail about it, before wasting my time on members who didn't care.
intimated that only easily impressed simpletons could enjoy this title,
Are you referring to this?:
I am inclined to believe that everyone is either easily impressed by nice looking cut scenes and music, or everyone here but me is part of some crazy ass secret Pop 'N Magic loving cult that I am not privy to. I am beginning to think it's both Not talking
Again, that was meant to be taken in a jokingly manner, I thought I made it obvious with the mention of a cult, as that seems too unreasonable and far fetched to be taken seriously. I was trying to limit my use of the

so it didn't get redundant, but I probably should have put another one after the

just to make extra sure no one took it too seriously. I'm terribly sorry you didn't catch it.
and then crapped all over Windancer and Nectarsis for wasting your precious time. I could care less if you like the game or not; at issue was your vitriolic response to others.
Again, all in a lighthearted jokingly manner. I had no ill intent, nor did I really feel my time was wasted. If anything, I appreciate the time Wind took to burn me a copy to try out. I'm certainly not going to knock the guy for taking the time to make me a copy. Like I said, if anything I am glad he did so, this way it saved me the time of finding my iso and burning it. I don't believe I specifically called nec out on wasting my time, just that he often lets his feelings for a game get the best of him when telling others about them. Nothing wrong about that, both Wind and Nec are just passionate about the games they like.
P.S. - Only a hypocritical tool would bemoan the language of another when their own posts contain vulgarities.
I was only bemoaning it's use in being malicious, (or at least that was my problem with it) of which I certainly did not or had no intentions of using in such a way. Actually, "bitch" and "ass" seem to be the worst word I said, unless I am missing something else while re-reading my posts.
I hope this clears things up. Sorry for yet another derailment guys, this is the last I am going to respond on this matter in this thread. If you still feel the need to continue this discussion further Necro, I invite you to take it to Fighting Street, likely my "Some people are truly special..." thread.
EDIT: Sorry, I missed your post Sin. Like I said, I am more than open to others love for this game, I just wanted a little elaboration, because my initial impressions were not good. I am glad you finally posted some details, and I do appreciate that. I admit, I didn't play very far, (though probably a lot farther than any of the reviewers of games nowadays for publications

), and I'm just fine with that. Like before, I just wanted to know why the game was appreciated so. It IS an appreciation thread, I'd think questioning why people appreciate it was well within reason.
I'll admit, I could have gone about wording my posts a LOT better and avoided derailment, and for that I apologize. I tried to interject a bit of humor, but it seems I failed miserably

In any case I've said all I can really say on this matter. So let's get back on topic shall we?