I'm half awake and can't think of many good examples for Turbo/PCE, but here's some that are close enough-
JJ & Jeff -for those who believe it's absolutely terrible.
Deep Blue -many have fun with it, while most others say it's terrible*
It Came from the Desert -it's been many years since I played through it, but it does seem like a mess, yet people love it for what it is.
Keith Courage -loads of fun for me, but people love to trash it and call it the worst pack-in ever.
Riot Zone -it's a crappy beat 'em up, but any functional beat 'em up is fun compared to so many popular lame games*
Vigilante -see above. Virtual Console brought on a wave of fresh low scoring reviews for this game.
Chiki Chiki Boys -everyone says it's bad, but the arcade version was fun for my girlfriend and I to play through together**
Dragon Egg! -so plain, straightforward and retard easy even on the hardest difficulty. But straightforward platformers are fun, much more fun to me than ones that get carried away with gimmicks or are chaotic like many Sonic games.
Night Creatures -this isn't what I normally think of when it comes to fun bad games, but I get
so much enjoyment out of taking on such a huge challenge derived from broken gameplay and it's so rewarding in the end.
Makai Hakkenden Shada -I didn't play very far into it, but it was a lot fun, even though most people probably couldn't last long based on the aesthetics and scrolling.
Valis II -super flawed and technically nothing special, but it's just fun and enjoyable for many people.
Ninja Warriors -the PCE version is a bad port and many say it's a bad ame. Still many people really like it.
Tatsunoko Fighter -seems to get a bad rap, but it was fun on my GT when I picked it up years ago (before the internet began to tell people what is and isn't good or fun).
*For genres like shooters, beat 'em ups and others, even a game that isn't spectacular compared to the
huge competition is usually fun for me. I'd rather play a crumby shooter or beat 'em up than a quality sports, mahjong, stealth, simulation or even FPS game.
**Arcade games are designed to make money, many include quarter stealing moments and are therefore unfair/unbalanced. Everyone says how much they love arcade games, but so many don't cut any slack to home ports that retain quarter munching scenes. Plus, games don't have to be deep to be enjoyable.
I love 16-bit RPGs. I like the gameplay and don't play
only to watch a story unfold slowly (otherwise why not just play digicomics or watch videos?), so I don't care about language barriers or how one compares to better games. So I have fun with most RPGs that many people consider bad.
Games that are bad on a technical level and would likely score low with most people-
Golden Axe -still plays like Golden Axe.
Strider -plays like Strider to me, which I don't like, but most do.
I believe that Runinruder likes
Future Boy Conan surely isn't much of a game- but I still had some fun with it.
I agree whole-heartedly; I could never understand why so many people think this one is a such a steaming pile.
I haven't made it very far, but I really enjoyed 'Conan as well.