So, where can I get a new laser, and is it difficult to replace?
Oh, and also, sometimes when loading you hear a "stuttering" sound from the Duo-R, it's like it's trying to read but there's something blocking it if you know what I mean. The red light on the Duo-R stops when this happends, then it's back to normal. Also, on Ys 1&2, the picture is kind of tilting.
Forgot to mention this before, but I bought two sealed copies of Cosmic Fantasy 2 for $6 each. I started playing, and after a little while just before an anime movie sequence is about to take place, the screen goes black while it loads the movie sequence, but it just stayed black. I opened up my other copy, and it worked as normal. Also, just played some Cotton, and while I've never experienced any problems with it, I noticed that 2 out of 5 times tested, the loading times between the first and second level was about 6 seconds, while normally it's like 2.
Also, the following is quoted from the item description for the auction I won for the Duo-R.
"Before a list, I exchanged the old lens of the CD-ROM drive for a new lens.
By this exchange, the precision of the pickup laser improved for some scratched CD."