Author Topic: Good story  (Read 1186 times)

Lord Thag

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Re: Good story
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2009, 07:56:28 AM »
It just goes to show you that gameplay is where it is at. After all, people still rave about new games like Castlevania, Gradius V, Raiden Fighters Aces, Muramasa, Alien Hominid and the like. Most of them are damn near identical to what you play on the TG/PCE, just with better graphics.

If a game is truly good, and not just a fad, it will *always* be fun.

The PC Engine just seems to have a lot more of those than the other systems from the era, in my book. Most of the friends I've shown the system to agree. It's aged remarkably well, particularly the imports.

I still think it's the single greates system for shooters.
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Re: Good story
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2009, 09:40:36 AM »
So, i just moved into my girlfriend's place a couple months ago. The other day, i was gettin a little turbo in before I went to my band practice, when her son comes in the room and asked the question we here all loathe...What's that?! hehe Quite the smile on my face. Being he is at the tender, impressionable age of 10 (hmmm, thats the age i got turned onto it), what could I do when he asked to play but go from the start. I popped in KC and his first impression was, like many, "man, this sucks!"  #-o  But i told him, play through the first level and give it a chance. 

You should have seen the look on his face when Keith put on the Nova suit and buzzed off the page to fight flying skulls and ...gun-heads lol   He was hooked. I left for my band practice only to return several (3) hours later to find him still playing!! At that point he was playing Blazing Lazers (coincidentally, this was my second purchase back in the day) He said he beat KC and shuffled a few more games before settling on BL.

Then, b4 u know it, he has friends over tearing up every multi-player I own! splash lake, bomberman, aero blasters, SF2CE etc. These kids LOVE IT! I find them skipping their 360 to ask me if they can play my duo and it is just the coolest thing in the world! Just thought I'd share this as ya'll might like to hear that.

A turbofan is born! Great job man ruining the kids life like that LOL Just kidding great story love to hear it!


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Re: Good story
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2009, 10:18:35 AM »
Ha ha man that is awesome, great story indeed. I love it! I remember my first TurboGrafx experience clear as day, it was Devil's Crush. That got me hooked big time. Than every time we went to Fred Myer's or Best I would go straight to the TG-16 where they had Bonk's Adventure playing on demo. Man those were good times. Than I got my own finally some years later. Games like Final Lap Twin, R-Type, Bomberman, Ninja Spirit(a personal fave of mine)kept me glued to the tv screen for hours on end. I remember one of my friends in grade school had a turbo express so we would always bring our games to play on his express, during recess and afterwards in after school daycare. Man what great times :dance:


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Re: Good story
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2009, 10:20:49 AM »
You know whats funny, is I have managed to get even my own daughter(2 1/2 years of age) into taking an interest in games in general but specifically TG-16. I once walked into my gameroom only to see that she had picked up a controller and was playing Xak Gaiden:Fray CD and she had the biggest smile on her face even though she had obviously no idea what she was doing.


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Re: Good story
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2009, 10:52:25 AM »
You know whats funny, is I have managed to get even my own daughter(2 1/2 years of age) into taking an interest in games in general but specifically TG-16. I once walked into my gameroom only to see that she had picked up a controller and was playing Xak Gaiden:Fray CD and she had the biggest smile on her face even though she had obviously no idea what she was doing.

Awesome, pure and simple.  8)
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Re: Good story
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2009, 02:24:58 AM »
You know whats funny, is I have managed to get even my own daughter(2 1/2 years of age) into taking an interest in games in general but specifically TG-16. I once walked into my gameroom only to see that she had picked up a controller and was playing Xak Gaiden:Fray CD and she had the biggest smile on her face even though she had obviously no idea what she was doing.

Awesome, pure and simple.  8)

haha. That's amazing!

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Re: Good story
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2009, 02:06:10 PM »
It's good that we are indoctrinating the youth of today with the consoles of yesteryear.

My daughter doesn't really play too many games yet, but I am looking forward to the day when we play Parasol Stars, Chew Man Fu, Wonderboy III: Monster Lair, AeroBlasters, Dungeon Explorer, MotoRoader, etc. together.

She already listens to some choice PSG / Red Book tunes, of course, because I control the playlist on her iPod

We are sick, sick people. :|
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