Just to warn you since you probably have already received low ball offers from people hoping to scoop up some of your more valuable games before you catch on, here's what these items often sell for, although the higher they are the more inflated the prices are than what they're genuinely worth-
- Turbo Duo System US, with package and magazine&coupons $300 - $500
- Gate of Thunder, Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge -> all on one CD, US $30 - $40
- Lords of Thunder, US $25 - $30
- The Dynastic Hero, US $400 - $600
- Motoroader MC, JP $15 - $25
- Spriggan, JP $40 - $50
- Super Darius II, JP $50 - $70
- Star Parodier, JP $30 -$50
- YS Book I&II, US $30 - $50
- Dragon Slayer, US $40 - $60
- Beyond Shadowgate, US $80 - $160
- ninja game by Nichibutsu from 1993, JP - Iga Ninden Gaou? $20 -$30
- Ninja Spirit, US $10