I know a guy who paid $60 for this game back in the day and he thought it was a rip off even then. I wouldn't pay $10, personally. The art direction is unique, I'll give it that, but IMO its a below average game that sells for bat shit crazy money for some reason. Borrow/pirate it first to check it out. Its no Drac X or Saphire. Its barely better than Night Creatures.
Like Night Creatures, it's an unfinished/unpolished game. It's also clearly Castlevania inspired, which Night Creatures may also be.
HardcoreOtaku, if you have any intention of doing more with it than putting it on a shelf, you should try it first, or at least check out the play through I recorded-
DownloadAlso, whether you plan on playing it or not, I hope you have every other good PCE game already, because Renny Blaster isn't one of them, but it does cost more than any of them.