How long did it take you to track down syd meads Terra forming?
I got lucky with Terraforming. I was doing a check of eBay and saw Dynastic Hero and asked him if he would end the auction and sell it to me and if he had any games that he hadn't listed yet. Surely enough he did. After seeing what all he had, I ended up buying these from him: Dynastic Hero, Bonk 3 Hucard, Cotton, Syd Meads Terra Forming, Beyond Shadowgate, Dragon Slayer, Vasteel, Timeball (yeah I know, an odd one to see in this list), and a Jap Converter.
If you don't mind sharing what did it run you?
I paid $100 for Terraforming
Are you trying to get one of everything including variants?
That would definately be the plan. Unfortunately I haven't done a whole lot of research on which games have different variations. The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is Ys I&II retail vs the pack in. Does anyone know of any others?