Roy- you most CERTAINLY did - several times in fact - in shout- say you intended to sell it for what you paid for it - that you didn't want to take a loss but that you didn't want to overcharge for it.
and how can you contrbute Roy? Your first day here you were trying to buy two Magical Chases- one sealed to leave rotting on your shelf- then turned around saying "I see the light now" or whatever- that you only needed one copy- thanks guys- thanks for showing me the way etc. Next thing I know you're trying to catch a 3rd copy on this thread here- and when I call you on it you confront me in shout saying oh I "intended" to sell it for what I paid to a forum member- to help somebody out -- when I called you on using "intended" in past tense you acted like I was overrreacting- that it only mean you intended in the past and that you still intended now. Now we see it's all crap- and now you're trying to say that 400 IS the correct price for the loose game? Why not tell us how much YOU paid for it loose Roy- and be honest because you already told several members here how much you paid for it- not that I'd believe you by now anyway. All this and also including that you were saying in shout that the real reason I was acting "shitty" was because I was jealous of you. You got this high opinion of yourself Roy- you think I can't afford the game? I can afford the game fine- even at this price- but I'm not gonna pay more than its worth- for several reasons- one being that it'll just drive the price higher and higher.
As for you not being the only one who thinks my attitude sucks- no shit. Thing is Roy- the handful of people here who "think" my attitude sucks compare not with the bushels of people here who KNOW you're a jerkoff.
I don't recall saying I would sell it for what I paid for it but I did say that I wouldn't take a loss on it.
One sealed to leave rotting on my shelf? If your so interested in games no rotting on a shelf then why does Daisakusen show you having 259 games rotting on your shelf? Playing them all at once? Maybe you should pump all of those back into the community since your so worried about what I do with ONE of my games. Hypocricy is amazing with you. Yeah I said I saw the light, meaning that I didn't need a sealed copy, only a useable one. Do you see me with a sealed copy? Sure Sinistron, I would buy a 3rd copy and a 256th if I found them cheap. What an Idiot I would be for trying to make a profit. I must be stupid in this economy to try to make a few extra dollars for myself.
I never said $400 was the correct price for it. It's up there for $400 to see if anyone is dumb enough to bite on it. If they dont, thats why there is a best offer, so people who actually want to pay a fair price can pay what THEY think is fair.
How much did I pay for it loose? $175 and I could care less if you believe it or not.
I have no high opinion of myself Sinistron. Why did I say you were jealous? Because someone said to me to not worry about your bullshit on the forums, "It's just jealousy". Your the one that must have the high opinion of yourself. You treat people like shit, why you try to push people down I'll never know.
I never said you can't afford the game and I could care less if you can. You saying your only going to pay what its worth is fair enough. What something is worth is what people are willing to pay for it. If you think its worth $100 then good luck getting one. Sure, they're out there and you might get one, you might not.
Fact of the matter is, your attitude is no good. It's more then a few people that think so. If its people like
YOU that think I am a jerkoff Sini, I wont lose any sleep over it.