Author Topic: Magical Chase BOXED!!! on Ebay  (Read 3148 times)


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Re: Magical Chase BOXED!!! on Ebay
« Reply #105 on: June 09, 2009, 12:11:58 PM »
Directed where to find one?  Someone mentioning digitpress as a site to check into isn't quite a reference of where to buy one...  Might as well have said "hey check ebay".  Its not like a member here said "hey ask this specific guy"

But yes, the site was recommended to me, but not any specific person.

Edited for a late post.

First off Roy- I love how you try to blast apart the little things- but really have nothing to say about the larger points- secondly Roy- fail.  What exactly are you arguing about?  I said someone directed you where to find one- digitpress or whatever is the WHERE- is this not sound?  No- might not as well have said "check EBay" because certainly you already did on your own- not from someone else's reference -- and what the hell do you mean "not by any specific person"?  if it was on shout then the person who told you is surely a "specific" person- not one of many melting faces belonging to a giant simulacrum- you may not remember the name of the person who advised you (the grateful cat that you are) but that doesn't make whoever it was less of an entity.

jperry- I'm not sure who you're referring to but out of your list the only thing I called Roy was a reseller (in tandem with price gouger)- and the definition of reseller alone is someone who resells something he bought.  The word by itself does not mean something evil or wicked- it's the type of reseller that brings the bad connotation. 

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atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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Re: Magical Chase BOXED!!! on Ebay
« Reply #106 on: June 09, 2009, 12:12:56 PM »
Quote from: RoyVegas
The price of Magical Chase is what the market pays for it Sinistron, not just what YOU personally think it's worth"

No offense, WE are the market for Turbo games.

ebay is just profiteers, idiots, and "OMG RETRO GAEM" collectors.

I offer you 20 monies.  A fair price I'd say!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 12:21:06 PM by Arkhan »
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

I'm a max level Forum Warrior.  I'm immortal.
If you're not ready to defend your claims, don't post em.


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Re: Magical Chase BOXED!!! on Ebay
« Reply #107 on: June 09, 2009, 12:18:02 PM »
[quote="RoyVegas""The price of Magical Chase is what the market pays for it Sinistron, not just what YOU personally think it's worth"

No offense, WE are the market for Turbo games.

ebay is just profiteers, idiots, and "OMG RETRO GAEM" collectors.

I offer you 20 monies.  A fair price I'd say!


True Arkhan you are part of the market..  This website is not the only part of the market though.  People here think $750 is to much to pay for a boxed Magical Chase, so do I.  But there is still a market for it, just not on this site.
All is well. :)


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Re: Magical Chase BOXED!!! on Ebay
« Reply #108 on: June 09, 2009, 12:20:07 PM »
Ten replies while I'm writing this. Here's a third-party observation.

I'm a newer member, and have owned a Japanese copy of Magical Chase in the past; I sold it for $75 in 2003, waaaay before I joined here. I sold it on eBay and was happy to get the money to pay for schoolbooks. I have no regrets, and may end up owning another Japanese copy someday, but there are so many other games that I would rather play first it's kind of low on my list. Not as low as J.J. & Jeff. I do not own a single American TG title.

Sparky, there are people that choose to speak up and there are people that choose to remain silent.  

if any of you are reading this, speak up - my beef is with resellers, not fellow forum members.

My issue is not with Capitalism; I have had an eBay account since 1998, and have sold everything from car parts to art prints.

However; What you did is a bit different, Roy.

You engaged a community of people who you knew were willing to help you source the effective "Holy Grail" of their American collections. You befriended people and attempted to gain their trust, and stated quite plainly "I get what I want." You posted about the ridiculousness of the high prices on eBay, and even started a thread or two that Necromancer pointed out. You THEN listed the item at an insanely high price with little or no mention to the community that helped you source the Grail. The end result making a few jealous and a few more angry. It wasn't wrong, per se, it was just hypocritical. Some people are responding to the ethics in question. IMHO.  

Unfortunately, you are gouging the market (validated when you stated that you wanted to see if someone was "stupid" enough to pay for it) by artificially inflating the price by over 250%. This could result (if a few copycat sellers pick this up) in the eBay precedent for MC loose at $400. People are reacting to the fact that you may be driving the price up overall, creating more of a disparity between those who have and those who covet Magical Chase. You have every right to do this, and as a businessman myself I hope you get as much money as you can for the Hu-Card; because if and when it goes through you won't have very many acquaintances left here after the auction.

I hope that's not the conclusion.

I'm just curious what makes your auction ethical, and the $2500 boxed duo so horrible. That's the other conflict in your posts that hasn't been answered. Thanks for the response in advance. I'm going to go play Coryoon.
[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol


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Re: Magical Chase BOXED!!! on Ebay
« Reply #109 on: June 09, 2009, 12:21:28 PM »
I think guyjin said it best:

there is absolutely nothing wrong with Roy trying to make as much money as he can off his loose one.

There is something wrong with it when he got it off of one of us for far less than its epay value. Consider the following:

There is a village. You live in this village. people grow stuff, raise animals, make tools, etc. they trade amongst themselves; because it's in their best interest for the village to thrive, they sell their goods for less than they would in the big city market.

Then some kid comes along, buys a bunch of stuff from his neighbors so he can 'have a feast', but then runs off to the big city market to make big bucks off their stuff. He comes back with bags of money, and repeats the cycle. Soon, all the villagers have to go to the big city market, or charge big city prices themselves. There is no more advantage to living in the village; soon, they'll migrate to the big city, and the village will just be a bunch of rotten shacks where a community once lived.

As a community we've always prided ourselves at having the ability to be a "few miles from the big city" as guyjin put it, and with that having the ability to fairly trade amongst ourselves as just a bunch of people that love to play TurboGrafx games. What might come across as animosity towards you, RoyVegas, is a certain global disdain that most members here share for a certain type of "big city" (eBay) seller that artificially inflates pricing by posting BIN auctions listed with ridiculous price points. Many of them know these items will never be sold, but they let them sit there and fester for years on end. The effect of this is being played out before us, right here, as we speak, in this thread. Newcomers to the scene resort (and the true effectiveness of this can be debated) to eBay first as a "pricing guide" for this kind of thing, figuring (as you did) that shit, if this is what people are charging, and paying, it must be what these games are worth. What you don't consider though, is that the people paying these inflated prices are the same poor saps that were led up the garden path by the inflated BINs set by sellers that set them that way to have that precise effect. The sad thing is, that it works. It's a circular system that has no perceivable beginning or end; I've observed this happening over the past 8 or so years with Turbo games, since I joined eBay in 2001, and every time I think we've hit the top the ridiculousness hits new heights. I highly doubt your intentions in this case were in line with the aforementioned scumbag sellers, but the effect is the same, and your situation is compounded by a reason I'll touch on below.

This community is quick to accept newcomers into the fold, RoyVegas, but you'll find it just as quick to chastise those who betray it. There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with putting games up on eBay to make a quick buck, or to try and profit a few dollars from a sweet score you've made in the past. Don't expect to make a lot of friends, however, when you show up asking for help in tracking down an elusive title only to turn around and post it back up for sale in the "big city" at a 600% markup (purely an example; I don't pretend to know how much you're really trying to make). Most people here are willing to cut killer deals for fellow community members; members they know will play the hell out of the game, love it, and see it utilized to its full potential. I realize you didn't actually buy the game from a member here, but members here aided in tracking down a copy for you (forgoing, in the process, the chance to buy said copy for themselves). I can't say I blame the community at large for being a little put off when the time came for you to turn around and sell that game, that instead of turning it loose back on the community, you opted for the "big city" approach, at the same time feeding that circular system that can be thanked for making a certain percentage of Turbo gaming simply unaffordable for a portion of the community.

This topic is now locked, the discussion is over.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 12:25:56 PM by nat »