tough call. I think once buzz gets out of a games "demand" [don't even get me started] or collectibility its all over. You get enough dealers who think a game is worth a particular price, or if ONE idiot over-pays on ebay and it gets crazy. I've seen Dracula X with no spine card on ebay for $250+ asking price. They'll never sell it for that, but still. Ebay is both the solution to and cause of all our collecting woes unfortunately. I think the price is called for in rare cases, but I think a MAJORITY of the time "collecible" games are way overpriced. In regards to Magical Chase, hard to say as you never see them pop up much at all, but for all we know there is some warehouse somewhere with a couple thousand of them never know. I remember LOOSE NGPC Fasellei's going for $$$, then look what happened after all that stock got thrown onto ebay.