Author Topic: Broken Turbo Duo...  (Read 310 times)


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Broken Turbo Duo...
« on: June 02, 2005, 10:36:03 AM »
I've had this US Duo system for about five years, and have taken great care of it, and it has worked perfectly up until recently. There's something wrong with the sound, sometimes the CD music will cut in and out, and other times there are loud crackling noises in the background. None of my CD games are scratched, so that's not a possibility.

I e-mailed Turbo Zone, and from what I described to them, they told me it sounded like my system had something called "degenerative disc disease." I don't know a whole lot about it or about repairs, but they directed me to come here and post a message, and see if there was anybody who could help me out. If there's somebody who can repair this or something(for a reasonable price), and will save me from having to shell out $200+ for a new Duo system, that would be great.


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Re: Broken Turbo Duo...
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2005, 12:34:04 PM »
Quote from: "Saibot"
I've had this US Duo system for about five years, and have taken great care of it, and it has worked perfectly up until recently. There's something wrong with the sound, sometimes the CD music will cut in and out, and other times there are loud crackling noises in the background. None of my CD games are scratched, so that's not a possibility.

I e-mailed Turbo Zone, and from what I described to them, they told me it sounded like my system had something called "degenerative disc disease." I don't know a whole lot about it or about repairs, but they directed me to come here and post a message, and see if there was anybody who could help me out. If there's somebody who can repair this or something(for a reasonable price), and will save me from having to shell out $200+ for a new Duo system, that would be great.

D-Lite's working on the issue right now.  He already found the sound problem in the Turbo Express, so it's likely that he'll come up with a solution some time.

I've been wanting to get my hands on a Turbo Duo with this problem so that I could attempt to find the solution.  If you're interested in selling the defective machine, send me a private message with a price.  :)


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Broken Turbo Duo...
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2005, 04:06:15 PM »
I wouldn't mind getting this either if z doesn't take it.  I have units that have issues, but none I'm positive is not the CD drive, although I believe I know.
Check my site for Turbo, Neo, NGPC, and superguns!

Liquid Snake

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Broken Turbo Duo...
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2005, 03:45:53 AM »
D-Lite, so have you found a way to fix Duo sound problem?
I will send my JPN Duo to you to fix once you have found a solution to solve it.
My happy meal box is empty~~~



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Broken Turbo Duo...
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2005, 05:32:19 AM »
I wouldn't mind getting this either if z doesn't take it. I have units that have issues, but none I'm positive is not the CD drive, although I believe I know.

Well, here's the thing, I wasn't looking to get rid of it outright, as that would leave me without a Turbo Duo. I was hoping to either pay somebody to repair this one, or, if possible, trade it in as partial credit towards the cost of a working system in good condition. If you have a working system you could sell me, could we work something out like that?


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Broken Turbo Duo...
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2005, 09:05:53 PM »
Quote from: "Saibot"
I wouldn't mind getting this either if z doesn't take it. I have units that have issues, but none I'm positive is not the CD drive, although I believe I know.

Well, here's the thing, I wasn't looking to get rid of it outright, as that would leave me without a Turbo Duo. I was hoping to either pay somebody to repair this one, or, if possible, trade it in as partial credit towards the cost of a working system in good condition. If you have a working system you could sell me, could we work something out like that?

Oh, that's what I was planning to, to see if I could fix it and if not give you some cash or credit towards another.

And I have to say that right at this minute, 1:04 AM on June 5th, 2005, let me just say that I could really use a second problematic system to test, because, um, let's just say the last problematic system doesn't appear to be so problematic anymore  :D  :D  :D  :D  :shock:  :shock:
Check my site for Turbo, Neo, NGPC, and superguns!