Author Topic: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 3 YEARS)  (Read 3390 times)


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2009, 06:27:21 AM »
Throwing in my two cents.

Order of the Griffon $40 $25
Splatterhouse $30 $25
Time Cruise $35 $20

Beyond Shadowgate $120 $85
Bonk 3 cd $175 $80
Dungeon Explorer $150 $85
dragon slayer $55 $40
gate of thunder $40 $25
godzilla $100 $50
might and magic III $125 $80
super air zonk $175 $75
ys book 1 and 2 $40 $25
ys 3 $45 $25

Two things don't agree with this one list:

1. Sparky is right. We all learned recently, going to ebay for prices is like asking a sugar addict how much for a chocolate bar. Almost everything concerning turbo price from there should be taken with a grain of salt.

2. The rare games are priced WAY too high on account of the hyper inflation recently. IMO, the only games worthy to go beyond the $100 mark are Dynastic Hero and Magical Chase.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2009, 08:55:00 AM »
My observations, which I will try to make as politely as possible.

The problem with these sorts of lists (when applied to other collectible crap anyway, from reletively cheap stuff like records and games to the more extravagant like cars) is that they tend to help prevent prices from going down. I know that people on this forum tend to be a lot more frugal than the dipshits on eBay (who evidently will pay anything for anything) but the fact is that this forum is a reference for TG/PCE collectors and if this list project takes off people will start to refer to it more and more. Once that begins then people will refer to it as law, and always pay/charge at least as much as the list dictates...and this almost never works in the reverse (to keep prices down). See: Digital Press.

For example, comic book price guides. Some book will list for $100 and that instantly becomes what the book is "worth". All shops will use this exact price and never adjust it unless they are having a going out of business sale, even if nobody can document a single person actually purchasing a single copy of this book in the last decade. It can't be "worth" $100 if nobody is actually buying it, but they have a list from someplace to prove otherwise and they are sticking to it. The seller feels he will "be an idiot" if he charges less, and the buyer feels like a shmuck for asking less so it goes (or doesn't go) for $100. He might knock it down to $90, but he sure as hell isn't going to knock it down to $10, even though it maybe should be $10 since nobody has bought it in ten years.

In other words, this list can be a great snap shot of what's going on in the free market, but once people start referring to it it circumvents the free market. For an up to the second, totally dynamic version of this list one could just go to eBay, since that's where the prices came from anyway, right?

And eBay varies WIDELY. When I shop for a specific game and I see its, say, $50, its not uncommon at all to come back a few weeks later and see it for $15. So what's the game worth, $50 or $15? How about $32.50 since that's the average? Well, no, because nobody ever payed $32.50 for it. You end up with the "Bill Gates walks into a bar and instantly the average income in the room increases to $50 Million a year" thing going on. Some people payed $50 because they would pay anything, the other people weighed the value of the game against what they paid for other games, what their finances were, etc, and the paid $15. This is why so may middle-of-the-road value games like Star Parodia or Spriggen can very %200 from week to week. How do you reflect that in a (semi) fixed document.

So I'm not telling you to not make the list (wouldn't work anyway) I'm just mentioning that its basically like deciding to make a print version of a web page; less flexible, and more out of date that the source material so unless you don't have a computer, what's the point?

This list would be pretty good for printing out and taking to shows and such where there isn't much internet access to be had.

What I'd rather see, and what would be more valuable (to me anyway) is a list that shows the average price of what PCEFX forum goers charge/trade for games with other members. I routinely get killer deals from people around here and because of that I'm not sure what to ask/pay for games with other members since a quick check of eBay isn't representative of anything in this kind of transaction.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2009, 10:38:55 AM »
There is a lot of truth in your words zeta... but its a double edged sword.... with out one the ebay market will be looked at as the pricing market ... just look at those bullshit "buy it now" prices we see.

I would hope that this list would be looked at every 6 months and adjusted where need be. If people start to use this as a bible then we will control what a fair price is, a starting point for the market.  I have used the dp guide before and just because the dp guide states a price i look at it and in the end i agree or disagree and set my price based on what i paid for it or where i am selling it as being fair on pricing is important to me.

This will not happen with everyone but when that persons shit does not sell, there is no choice but to take offers or lower your prices.
People are not mindless zombies so i dont think people will take this list as "law" the ebay scum can but on forums where i buy most to all of my games we will know better.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2009, 10:42:14 AM »
Gotta disagree with ya, Zeta. The free market has run rampant and here's the proof:

No point in taking an average when nearly everything is usurped by greedy resellers and price gougers. They've bought group auctions for ridiculous amounts, then sell them for more ridiculous amounts. Take Super Air Zonk. A week ago, a reseller bought a Turbo Duo lot including Super Air Zonk for $300 before anyone else knew there was one. Later, he put it up for sale (w/ loose Air Zonk) for $155 and got picked up by Pompous (Pompey Parsons). Where he now sold it for $195. That's just one example.

These resellers' chokehold has not only effected everyone on forums and websites, but everybody worldwide (nationwide at least). Store owners are constantly referring to Ebay to justify all their pricing and in turn, screwing the consumer into unnecessary flipping more cash just because some fat schmoo in his mom's basement believes he's entitled to a king's ransom. We don't need a snapshot, we need a lasso to hogtie these crazy critters in their place.

/rant end
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 04:40:46 PM by Press_Run »


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2009, 09:23:25 AM »
changed a couple prices today and removed The auction flag. Ebay shouldnt be a gage as to what prices actually are. There are too many games being sold on ebay that actually dont sell for the high prices that the sellers are asking.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2009, 08:34:06 AM »
I like this thread and I think it is a good idea. That said, I also agree with nearly everything Zeta said (about the danger of Price Lists not merely reporting trends, but rather directly influencing the "market value" of items).

So, I think a healthy compromise is to continue this Price List, as you intended, but to at least add some disclaimers/notes about the prices that really seem out-of-whack. Also, we should mention alternatives (i.e. identifying cheaper Japanese versions, when appropriate, and pointing out any differences that exist... Magical Chase North America mixes up the order of stages found in its Japanese counterpart, for example.).

* If we do all of these things, we have more than a price list, but a "Buyer's Guide" that will INFORM folks.  Even if we never agree on the prices, we can at least reach a consensus on the "Buyer's Guide" and help educate folks so that they make informed purchases. *

My 2 cents, anyway.

Also, so the price list doesn't get muddled in extensive commentary/notes, we can use * (asterisk) or 1 2 A B  ... (superscript) in the list itself and provide extended endnotes/footnotes.

My 3 cents, anyway.

Good looking on the Slip Vegas. I didn't even know about it. I wonder why W.D. never tried to bring the second game to the U.S.
I would guess the sales were kinda so so, plus the Duo was already being taken of store shelves at EB and other stores.  The Duo was starting to die and WD was already moving onto the Sega CD.

Also, Vasteel 2 is nothing like Vasteel 1. IMHO, Vasteel 2 is pretty lame, or, at the very least, it is not a game you can instantly get into. Vasteel 1 is pretty accessible and inviting compared to Vasteel 2. Did I mention that Vasteel 2 doesn't seem to be any fun? :)

« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 09:02:43 AM by esteban »
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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2009, 08:57:56 AM »
Vasteel 2 is more like Macross: Eternal Love Song, pure strategy game with Mechs... 

My main memories of Vasteel 2 was was compatiblity with lots of different hardware "upgrades": Mouse, Memory Base 128, Arcade Card. :P  The game goes through a sort of "system check" at the beginning and tells you what it finds.  oh, and I think the animated sequences were very nice.

That said, I think Vasteel 1 had more gameplay options (computer-controlled or player-controlled battles, choice of side in the conflict, 2 player modes, CD or PCM music, etc.)  I haven't played either game in a while so I don't know if Vasteel 2 offers some of those options. (Well, I was unhappy that I couldn't actually control the mechs during the battle sequence.  [-( )


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2010, 12:40:01 PM »
i got 175 for a copy of magical chase...
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2010, 01:18:13 PM »
You should've sold that Magical Chase to me for $200!


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2010, 04:07:00 PM »
I am not sure if you were responding to me, but I mean I want to pay 175 for a copy of magical chase!!!
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2010, 07:06:02 PM »
So what are some member prices that people have actually paid??? Obviously we are not mentioning auctions, but I think that price is half of what it may go for even on this site, auctioned... I am curious if anyone has sold it here for 175 or under...

Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2010, 08:08:20 PM »
Hey Press_Run... wanna back up those numbers with a sale?

I'll paypal you the $$ for the two I'm missing from my collection:

Bonk 3 cd $175 ($80)
super air zonk $175 ($75)

$155?  +$10 shipping sound fair?  We got a deal?

And you Sparky:

magical chase-175.00 (no auctions mentions)
bonk 3 cd-175.00  ($100-$125)
dynastic hero-400.00 varies on auctions ($300 no auction mentions)

I'm missing those... I'd gladly pay $600 for the three.  + $15 shipping?

How 'bout it boys?  back up your pricing with a sale to the 'ole kattare? 

Webhost by day, ( retro gamer by night.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2010, 06:07:05 AM »
I am with kattare on this one, the prices on the list are not correct.

Ebay is the closest thing to a retail stock market.  Just like the real stock market, sometimes prices get out of line, but also like the stock market, there are corrections.  Currently game prices might be at an all-time high, but that doesn't mean they are overpriced.

Games are a commodity, just like oil, gold, fine art, corn, etc.  Unfortunately if you are into games to play them, like I am, then this can be an upsetting thought.  For all of us that do not own the games we want, we obviously would like to get them very cheap, and for that reason threads like this exist.

I am not a reseller, but rather a gamer. I have been since the 80s when I couldn't be dragged from an arcade. Seeing the price of being a gamer sucks, it is hard to swallow.  I hope to stumble upon a magical chase for $20, but I am fully aware of the fact it will never happen.  I feel just like the little kid who loves A-Rod and wants his $500 rookie card for the spokes of his bike.

However, it is likely I will have to suck it up and pay.  Just like gold and oil, I don't see games value going down any time soon.  The market is correct, and it will continue to grow.  That is why I paid $120 for bonk 3 hu, I honestly think it will be $200 in a year or two.

Hopefully we can keep the warm heartedness of this site active. I have sold games on here, always below ebay, but that is only because I hope of reciprocation some day. But to all the people who want to sell their games for market value, can you blame them?


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2010, 04:28:20 PM »
A lot of good points are being made... But if some idiot is willing to pay 2900 for a sealed magical chase, that is the HIGH point of what is sold for, certainly not an average.. Ebay does do some kind of average thing to get a value of items... But, I believe after the ebay fees, and (maybe) shipping cost, and time involved, you are looking at a reduction of 15-20 percent off the sale price.  I think prices on this forum may be more "sane" and logical, but if people are truly willing to pay crazy prices, then that is what the market dictionary... The demand is high, and the supply is low... I doubt there will be a turbo grafx crash, unless NEC or someone opens a vault of games and floods the market.... And, I have to imagine that any magical chase that sold for 175 here, would more than likely end up on ebay, unless you are like me, and need it!!
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (UPDATED AND COMPLETE)
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2010, 04:48:53 AM »
These are fair prices in my eyes, and I have seen them, more on forums and less on ebay of coarse.

Hey, I like the fact that this little community gives all of us another option as I don’t look to ebay anymore, I did in my early days, but I did not know any better and realized my mistake. Call me foolish or out of touch but with patients and with the good people here and on other forums my collection is almost complete with the majority of it, especially the big ticket games without the help of ebay.

so laugh at these prices.... But I am doing the same when you spend twice as much on ebay :P