Author Topic: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 3 YEARS)  (Read 3727 times)


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #60 on: March 07, 2011, 09:22:48 AM »
[ul]MasonSushi - I think everyone here is all about helping you and other newcomers find the games you want at reasonable prices.  It's not about whether or not we help people, it's about not wanting to aid price gougers.  I'd write down my estimates if I thought it would help you.  But, based on my experiences and what I've seen on these forums over the last six years, I am convinced that it's a bad idea and would ultimately drive prices up.

It's also impossible to get a consensus on such a list.  I still disagree with half of Windancer's prices so it's probably about as accurate now as it was then.  At any rate, it's not a bad stating point.  Thinking of the cheapest you've ever seen a particular game go for on ebay also isn't a bad starting point...or looking at the BIN crap that's been sitting around for 6 months and cutting the price in half.

Here are a few guidelines.  Don't worry about asking your "price check" questions.
[ul][li]The orange label games are cheap.[/li][li]The colored label turbochips are cheap.  Some of the more popular games like Super Star Soldier are a little more.[/li][li]The turbochips without jewel cases are generally more expensive, ranging from Falcon (cheap) to Soldier Blade ($40+?).  The exceptions are Bonk III ($$) and Magical Chase ($$$).[/li][li]The CD-Rom2 games are fairly cheap.  Ys 1-2 and Ys III are a little higher.[/li][li]Half of the Super CD games are fairly cheap.  Camp California, Dragon Slayer, and Exile 2 cost a bit more.  Beyond Shadowgate, Cotton, Dungeon Explorer 2,Godzilla, MMIII, and Terraforming make up the next tier.  Then Bonk III SCD and Super Air Zonk.  Then Dynastic Hero.[/li][/ul]
Hope this helps.[/ul]
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 09:31:36 AM by vestcoat »
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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #61 on: March 07, 2011, 10:00:00 AM »
I think having a price guide here stickied is overall a bad idea.

Agreed. I always hope that this thread will finally die.

I Disagree.

How are new members that are just getting into collecting the system supposed to know thier values?? Check Ebay?? That place is so overprices its ridiculous. Also, I keep hearing from respected members that the prices on the forum are a lot cheaper and more reasonable. Without a guide for people, where is a new person supposed to start? I feel like every time I am interested I have to go on a quest to try to find the value of a game. I feel like I just bother people buy asking so many times.

I say update that price guide.

So you want other people to do the work regularly so you won't have to? ;) It doesn't make a difference, because as people have been telling you, there is no such thing as an accurate guide. Feel free to inquire about titles you are interested in. If anyone is bothered by it, that's their problem and they're free to not respond.

The only kind of accurate pricing invloves a lot of range and various conditions that need to be described.

I agree, BlackTiger.
[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #62 on: March 08, 2011, 01:45:54 AM »
I think we should update the price guide, At least with a range of value based on what actual ebay auctions, not buy it nows go for. And sales and trades on forums.

Added in edit: Here's a guide for HuCards. Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes.

US HuCards:
This price guide is for US HuCards and manual and CD style cases (if they were packaged with such). This does not include the outer box or plastic insert for HuCards that did not include the outer box. Prices are listed as “Low – High” ranges
Aero Blaster-10 - 15
Air Zonk- 30 - 50
Alien Crush-10 - 15
Andre Panza  7 - 10
Ballistic – 10 - 15
Battle Royal  8 - 12
Blazing Lazers- 12 - 17
Bloody Wolf- 8 - 12
Bomberman- 15 - 22
Bomberman 93- 25 - 40
Bonks Adventure- 10 -18
Bonks Revenge-12 - 20
Bonk 3: Bonks Big adventure-90 - 120
BoxyBoy- 9 - 13
Bravoman-15 -20
Cadash- 25 - 45
Champions Forever- 8 - 12
Chase HQ- 25 – 40
Chu man fu- 20 - 30
China Warrior-3 - 6
CraterMaze- 15 - 22
Cybercore- 10 - 15
Darkwing Duck- 20 - 30
Davis Cup Tennis- 5 - 8
Dead Moon- 15 - 25
Deep Blue-15 - 25
Devils crush-20 - 30
Double Dungeons- 10 - 15
Dragon Spirit- 12 - 17
Dragons Curse-17 - 24
Drop off- 8 – 12
Dungeon explorer-12 - 17
Falcon- 8 - 13
Fantasy zone-10 - 15
Final lap twin- 7 - 12
Galaga 90-15 - 20
Ghost Manor-20 - 30
Gunboat-15 - 25
Hit the ice-6 - 10
Impossamole-15 - 22
Jack Nicklaus golf-3 - 6
Jackie Chans action kung fu-30 -50
JJ and Jeff-5 - 10
Keith Courage in alpha zones-1 - 3
King of Casino-8 - 12
Klax- 8 - 12
Legend of Hero Tonma-30 - 50
Legendary Axe-10 - 15
Legendary Axe II-10 - 15
Magical Chase-400 - 650
Military Madness-20 - 30
Moto Roader-10 - 15
Neutopia-17 - 25
Neutopia II-35- 55
New Adventure Island-30 -50
Night Creatures-20 - 30
Ninja Spirit-12 - 17
Order of the Griffon-27 - 42
Ordyne-10 - 15
Pac-Land-7 - 12
Parasol Stars-30 - 50
Power Golf-3 - 5
Psychosis-20 - 30
Rtype-15 - 22
Raiden-25 - 40
Samurai Ghost-20 - 30
Shockman-25 - 40
Side Arms-8 - 12
Silent Debuggers-10 - 15
Sinistron- 17 - 24
Soldier Blade-35 -55
Somer Assault-30 - 50
Sonic Spike-4 - 7
Space Harrier- 10 - 15
Super Star Soldier-25 - 40
Splatterhouse-20 - 30
Super Volleyball-8 - 12
Taken It To Hoop-5 - 8
Talespin-17 - 22
Tiger Road-15 - 20
Time Cruise-30 - 40
Timeball-8 - 12
Tricky Kick-4 - 7
Turrican-12 - 17
TV Sports Basketball- 4 -7
TV Sports Football-3 -5
TV Sports Hockey-3 - 5
Veigues Tactical Gladiator-5 - 8
Victory run-7 - 10
Vigilante-7 - 10
World Class Baseball-3 - 5
World Court Tennis-5 - 8
World Sports Competition-12 - 17
Yo Bro-5 - 8
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 07:10:26 AM by DragonmasterDan »


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #63 on: March 08, 2011, 02:30:19 AM »
Here is the rough guide for CDs.

This assumes Disc in good shape, Manual and case. This does not include the Cardboard outer box if one was available
Addams Family -8 - 12
Beyond Shadowgate-100 - 140
Bonk 3 cd-150 - 200
Buster Brothers- 10 - 15
Camp California- 30 - 50
Cosmic Fantasy II- 15 - 20
Cotton- 75 - 10
Dragon Slayer: Legend of Heroes- 20-35
Dungeon Explorer II- 100 - 150
Dungeon Master-20 - 30
Dynastic Hero-350-500
Exile-15 - 20
Exile wicked phenomenon-70 - 90
Fighting Street-15 - 20
Final Zone II-10 - 15
Forgotten Worlds-25 - 35
Gate of Thunder 3 in 1 35 - 50
Godzilla- 80 - 110
Implode- 5 - 10
It Came from the Desert- 10 - 15
J.B. Harold Murder Club-12 - 17
Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf- 10 - 15
John Madden Duo CD Football- 8 - 12
Last Alert 15 - 20
Loom-15 - 20
Lords of the Rising Sun-20 - 25
Lords of Thunder- 25 - 35
Magical Dinosaur Tour-10 - 15
Might and Magic III-110 - 150
Monster Lair-10 - 15
Prince of Persia-15 - 20
Riot Zone 15 – 20
Shadow of the Beast-15 - 20
shape shifter-20 - 25
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective 7 - 12
Sherlock Holmes II-5 - 8
Sim Earth-8 - 12
Splash Lake-12 - 17
Super Air Zonk-160 - 220
Syd Meads Terraforming-90 - 120
Valis II-20 - 25
Valis III-25 - 30
Vasteel-40 - 60
Ys  Book 1 and 2 (with map) 40 – 60
Ys  Book 1 and 2 (no map) 25 – 40
Ys III-40 – 55
CD Peripherals
System card 2.0-15 - 20
Super System card 3.0  90 – 120
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 07:22:53 AM by DragonmasterDan »


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #64 on: March 08, 2011, 03:42:22 AM »
Hey Dan, you did a pretty good job with that list. With that being said, the problem is that that you give the price ranges of what people gouge at on ebay, which is what most of don't want to pay. Finding great deals online is getting harder and harder each day. Alot of the longtimers here know what stuff is 'truly worth' which is why you find much better deals on the forums. As stated before, we don't want resellers having access to this information. 
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 03:47:47 AM by chany60126 »
SignofZeta: What a quintessentially PCEFX thread. Someone complains about nothing, multiple Bible-length posts discussing who's a bigger a$$hole follow. You're both pretty big a$$holes. Let's call it a tie.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #65 on: March 08, 2011, 03:51:55 AM »
Hey Dan, you did a pretty good job with that list. With that being said, the problem is that that you give the price ranges of what people gouge at on ebay, which is what most of don't want to pay. Finding great deals online is getting harder and harder each day. Alot of the longtimers here know what stuff is 'truly worth' which is why you find much better deals on the forums. As stated before, we don't want resellers having access to this information.  

Right, but I'm pricing "what you should expect to reasonably pay". based on the criteria of what a lot of long timers here are willing to pay. Certain games like Magical Chase, Dynastic Hero, SAZ, Bonk 3 CD quite frankly can't be priced.

Added in edit: I do see the problem with price gougers. But it occurs for other platforms as well that also have price guides. The big thing to recommend is avoiding buy it nows and looking for auctions and people willing to sell and trade on forums.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 04:00:25 AM by DragonmasterDan »


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #66 on: March 08, 2011, 04:29:04 AM »
Being a US collector, I just noticed that most of these price ranges approximated the going rates on ebay with the exception of the TTI CD games such as Beyond Shadowgate and the like.

But yeah, I try to stay away from purchasing turbo games on ebay as much as possible. Most of my purchases come from the forums, retro gaming shops in Chicago and Craigslist.
SignofZeta: What a quintessentially PCEFX thread. Someone complains about nothing, multiple Bible-length posts discussing who's a bigger a$$hole follow. You're both pretty big a$$holes. Let's call it a tie.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2011, 04:30:57 AM »
Being a US collector, I just noticed that most of these price ranges approximated the going rates on ebay with the exception of the TTI CD games such as Beyond Shadowgate and the like.

My list is by no means perfect, if you would like to revise it put something up that seems more reasonable.

But yeah, I try to stay away from purchasing turbo games on ebay as much as possible. Most of my purchases come from the forums, retro gaming shops in Chicago and Craigslist.

I'm aware. You and I have gone game hunting after all :P



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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #68 on: March 08, 2011, 05:07:03 AM »
I just paid $180 for Beyond Shadowgate myself. Did I get ripped off or is that game just increasing in value that quickly?


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #69 on: March 08, 2011, 05:10:09 AM »
I just paid $180 for Beyond Shadowgate myself. Did I get ripped off or is that game just increasing in value that quickly?

You paid a bit more than most people here might consider a fair price for it.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #70 on: March 08, 2011, 05:11:29 AM »
I just paid $180 for Beyond Shadowgate myself. Did I get ripped off or is that game just increasing in value that quickly?

You paid a bit more than most people here might consider a fair price for it.

SignofZeta: What a quintessentially PCEFX thread. Someone complains about nothing, multiple Bible-length posts discussing who's a bigger a$$hole follow. You're both pretty big a$$holes. Let's call it a tie.


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #71 on: March 08, 2011, 06:49:57 AM »
I just paid $180 for Beyond Shadowgate myself. Did I get ripped off or is that game just increasing in value that quickly?
7 people on the "steaming pile" tread bought/sold it for $100 or less.
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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #72 on: March 08, 2011, 10:55:43 AM »
Once again; another distorted price and a testimonial as to why this list is irrelevant.

[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol


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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #73 on: March 08, 2011, 12:01:15 PM »
What would be interesting is the ability to enter what you paid and what year you bought for your games in the PCEdai website. Then view graphs to see how that has changed.
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Re: Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 2 YEARS)
« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2011, 12:33:00 PM »
I have no authority over what happens on pcedai other than uploading images;

However, there is a "notes" tab, which in my opinion is more than sufficient.
[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol