Ha Ha, it is available in English...
if you have a LaserActive
It was released on no fewer than 6 systems!
All english-released LaserActive "games" are bi-lingual, so I made a basic walkthru that worked for the PC-FCX version.
The original game was "filmed" in English, then dubbed into Japanese.
Playing the English version is hilarious.
The script is bad, the acting is worse.
I've played thru it several times, it is such a guilty pleasure.
Definately one of the few playable LA games
It's just sooo cheesy
It does rank as awesome if you are into JB Harold games
RIP Riverhill Soft
It would be rated mature if it went thru any ratings process, Detc. Rossen drops the F-bomb several times for no reason, and there is a TON of drinking and smoking.
I'm actually working on re-creating a better walkthru, I don't have my original tho,
and I just broke my LaserActive last week playing this game.
I have spare parts, but I've never attempted working on an LA before.
I'll link to the walkthru when I'm done
later gamers