Screw this kidtoucher. All I keep hearing is how talented he was- that was a loooong time ago- like Tats said late 80's. Was a hell of a dancer too until he starting morphing into tigers, feverishly touching his own crotch and breaking car windows. Let's face it- the talented Michael Jackson died a long time ago- we were just left with this ugly white chick who got little kids drunk off "jesus juice" and led them into his hidden sleeping chamber- which if you saw photos looked downright nightmarish. Showing up at his child molestation trial in pajamas like it was all a joke, hanging his baby from windows while laughing, trying to justify him sharing his bed with other people's children, pretending to be Paul McCartney's friend while outbidding him for rights to the Beatles' music, turning his life into a sickening circus and wasting ludicrous amounts of money- screw this guy. He's where he belongs now.