Author Topic: Holy Jebus!  (Read 7512 times)


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2009, 03:44:20 AM »
I personally shared game contents of very rare pce stuff (Power League Gold Hucard,Bomberman Users Battle,etc..) back in the 90s! Yeah, 10 years ago. I dumped those babies pratically nobody had heard of back at the time,and if you have those roms floating over the web, that's because of me (even if i'm pretty sure another guy could have done the same later). I'm not a selfish scrooge,then.

IF they're online it's because of you they exist- yet you're sure another guy could have done the same?  You seem so certain and yet so uncertain in the same breath.  Anyway- let's see the proof of your own words now- since you've dumped the roms has the value of your users battle and gold power league (which in honesty aren't as important as something like PC Cocoron) decreased?  I'm being serious here- I'd like to know.

But calling people names,because you don't share for FREE something you just made a loan to obtain it: that is beyond shame. That's a spoiled kid attitude.

Hmmm- so it's not a spoiled kid thing to snap up as trophies one of a kind playable items that would be cherished by a community- but it's a spoiled kid thing for someone to suggest they be shared.  Gotcha.  I don't know what's more ludicrous- this logic or your constant comparisons of prototypes to cars and houses.

Saying that if you were in his position you'd share it for free is even MORE lameful: it is so easy to be the most generous guy in the world, when in fact you do NOTHING. Because that's what it is: they DO NOT DO ANYTHING.
There,i can do the same: If i had Bill Gates money, i'd give 3 billions for helping wealth&fare in the world.
Happy? Now i'm the most generous man in the world,and you're all of you selfish crooks to not do the same.
Simple,isn't it? And stupid either.

Yeah- we'd all be selfish crooks- because we'd ALL have Bill Gates money, right?

Fine,start to save,make those other 3-4 guys do apologies,and maybe Thibaut (or any other owner of such stuff,not him specifically) will consider selling it for the price he paid.

Or not him specifically?  Doesn't sound like you have much faith that your boy would do the right thing. But why Thibaut anyway?  Let's start with you.  How about we all chip in and pay you what you paid so that you can release the PC Cocoron rom- if an apology from us is truly what it'll take then I'll be the first to send you a bouquet of red roses.

You do realize that Necromancer,Nat or Sinistron's attitude is PRECISELY what will prevent any owner of such stuff to share it, right?

Riiiiiight...  after all these years all these protos were never released because of this current thread.  It's all our fault.  No one's ever before pleaded nicely that these protos be released (a laugh- as I've read years-old pleas on this very forum).
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 03:47:46 AM by Sinistron »

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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2009, 03:47:15 AM »
Bored of Sinistron's stupidity.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:05:55 AM by Adol2009 »


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2009, 03:57:30 AM »
Bored of Sinistron's stupidity.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:05:57 AM by Adol2009 »


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2009, 04:00:36 AM »
So Thibaut made a PC-Engine bible- one that you said Japanese people are even buying- so it's something he's selling and making money from- it's not something he's SHARING.  It's something he's selling.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that- it's his knowledge- good for him to use it for his ends to turn a buck if people want to pay for it- but don't confuse it as some kind of altruistic contribution.

"Put your money where your mouth is then.  Suggest a price the community as a whole pay for you to release the PC Cocoron rom"

What the hell am I talking about?  Do you not possess PC Cocoron?  It says so on PCEDaisakusen- unless you just listed it for shits and giggles.

You talk about uploading roms of special versions 10 years ago- you say other people may have done the same- yeah- it's a nice thing.  It was also ten years ago, you're not sure if you were the only one to do so, you CERTAINLY weren't the only one to have these games, and you haven't stated if you uploading the roms decreased the originals value- which is the big point in your argument of not wanting to share the unreleased ones (but then change your story later on and say it's because of people like me).  Then you say you sold a Sega game- which is cool- but not giving something away for free as you claim.  You are COMPLETELY OVEREXAGGERATING the good you AND Thibaut have done for this community.

I'm not saying you or Thibaut OWE us anything.  No one OWES anyone anything.  It's a matter of those with the power, and the cash, to share these unique titles- and contrary to what your first argument was- it's NOT something that you'd have to lose money on- If they don't share the titles it's their right- and it's equally my right and others to find it selfish.

My point about we'd all be crooks if we all had Bill Gates money means that the only way your ludicrous example works is if we'd all be rich like Bill Gates- not just you.  It clearly went over your head. 

As for me being new on the scene- who's the one with the assumptions now?  As for WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE- I do what I can- considering that I have a life outside of videogames, common man's pay-and zero knowledge of technical aspects.  You're not even around here to know in what way Nat Necromancer or me contribute in whatever way we can- and it probably wouldn't be any contribution that would shake your earth since you practically have every freaking item related to PCE already anyway- you also- which I respect- if your PCEDaisakusen listings are accurate- play and clear a good portion of your games- so reviews, walkthroughs and gameplay conversations wouldn't do much for you either- but that's YOU.  Members here feel that we have things to contribute.  We also share what we can- and I'm talking physical properties- with people that we know will appreciate it.  It'd be pointless to list all the things we've given as gifts, gave good deals on or shared.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 04:22:34 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2009, 04:15:44 AM »
Bored of Sinistron's stupidity.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:05:59 AM by Adol2009 »


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2009, 04:20:18 AM »
Bored of Sinistron's stupidity.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:06:03 AM by Adol2009 »


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2009, 04:23:27 AM »
I'm editing my posts to add to them- f*ck is so lame about that?

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2009, 04:28:32 AM »
LOL.  If he contributed for FREE something that other's are making money for themselves on- then I take back everything I said about him- he's not a hoarder- he's just a f*cking idiot.  As are you.  Games = houses.  You have Bill Gates $- do good deeds and everyone else is selfish.

You don't own PC Cocoron.  Yeah- I'm the idiot for thinking so- It's ONLY LISTED ON YOUR f*ckING COLLECTION ON PCEDAI.  Wow- am I the idiot or what?

I don't explain about why I don't take out a $1,600.00 loan?  Hmmm- maybe because I have other obligations keeping me from paying it back?  I can contribute to paying money collectively- but I can't pay for it myself.  Funny you say you're waiting for me to answer your questions- which are all dumb as can be.  You haven't answered yet if your uploading your special versions decreased the value of any of them- which in essence was your initial argument. 
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 04:33:33 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2009, 04:29:56 AM »
I read the recent gold NWC cart that went for $17,000 already dumped?  If true that defeats the point of "if it's shared the original is worthless."
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2009, 04:32:20 AM »
I read the recent gold NWC cart that went for $17,000 already dumped?  If true that defeats the point of "if it's shared the original is worthless."

That's a damn good point. The ROM is easily found, and repro versions can be bought new in a nice box w/poster, manual, etc. for $60. Yet the gold cart still goes for upwards of $15K and the gray cart I think around $4K.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2009, 04:34:08 AM »
Bored of Sinistron's stupidity.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:06:05 AM by Adol2009 »


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2009, 04:37:15 AM »
Bored of Sinistron's stupidity.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:06:06 AM by Adol2009 »


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2009, 04:41:44 AM »
PC Cocoron IS listed on PCE Daisakusen...  Sharing $1,000 items is the only "REAL" contribution one can make to the community??  Frankly that sounds like a high and mighty attitude.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 04:43:30 AM by nectarsis »
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2009, 04:41:56 AM »
I read the recent gold NWC cart that went for $17,000 already dumped?  If true that defeats the point of "if it's shared the original is worthless."

That's a damn good point. The ROM is easily found, and repro versions can be bought new in a nice box w/poster, manual, etc. for $60. Yet the gold cart still goes for upwards of $15K and the gray cart I think around $4K.

Yeah- and he knows it.  That's why he's been avoiding my question about how much has the value of his special carts decreased.  This clown's been whistling out of his butt the whole time- so he tried to change up his reason- took the easy way out and blamed people like me Nat and Necro.  Adol- I've got no reason to even argue with you anymore or plead for your protos to be shared- in all honesty I thought you had PC Cocoron as it was listed on your PCDai- that's what I really wish the community could have- over a Sapphire demo anyday (others may not think so but I'm speaking from my perspective).  You don't have it- your importance in my eyes just dropped to insignificance.  You're just some helmet who equates houses with games.  Go you.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 04:48:50 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2009, 04:47:42 AM »
About PC Cocoron, YES YOU ARE THE IDIOT. It's not listed anywhere, you IDIOT.

Yeah.  I'm quite the idiot.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real