He made an offer and I responded; I did not make such an offer, as I have no such materials available to me.
Still. Please provide whenever you have some. Thanks.
And what good were you hoping to achieve with your lies and falsehoods?
I never made any lies not falsehoods. That is just plain bullshit from you. Classic.
Nectarsis: i admit i CONTINUED it. CONTINUED. that means the ones to blame are the ones starting it.
That's how it works, even in law domain. then blame them,not me.
I pointed about naming issues, i pointed twice, i pointed 3,4 times,etc...at the end i'm bored of it, and i just name myself.That's the only language they understand.
Esteban, don't answer to that sinistron clown. He's not worth it. That's probably why he won't get anything anytime soon.
Sinistmoron: Any attempt to tarnish me won't work. I'm way beyond that, sorry for this, clown. Try with somebody else.