Author Topic: Holy Jebus!  (Read 7510 times)


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #105 on: July 09, 2009, 07:06:32 AM »
It's lunch time, so I guess that I do have time to don my Don Quixote hat.  :)

Necromancer:I'd say the same:
please upload copies of any prototype roms or isos in your possession.  Failing that, screen shots, in-game footage, and reviews would be nearly as welcome.  If such material is already available, please point us to the correct site.

He made an offer and I responded; I did not make such an offer, as I have no such materials available to me.  It's called logic.  Ask someone to explain the concept to you.

About the windmills,it's just the truth is too hard for you to hear.  :D
I get it,i saw that with sinistron already. shouting,naming,lying,i got it.
The point is: the way you're acting,you or sinistron, by naming people, or making false assumptions, you won't get anything good from. 
Nobody is. That's the whole point.

And what good were you hoping to achieve with your lies and falsehoods?  Though you've deleted your previous posts, enough of their original content was quoted to prove that you're a charlatan.
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #106 on: July 09, 2009, 07:10:58 AM »
If we ever find a real person with PC Cocoron, we should gather all our money up together and get them really, really drunk...
The PC Engine Software Bible
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #107 on: July 09, 2009, 07:16:17 AM »
Esteban- I like you man- honestly I do- you're cool as hell- but save your peace and love crap.  You're not Jesus and this isn't Camp Christ.

Besides- my rudeness- as you put it- helped us eliminate one possible holding of PC Cocoron.  We're closer to realizing who ACTUALLY owns the damn thing.

I thought I was blunt enough, but you miss the main point of my post: In this situation, you (and others) are being COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. Don't be silly. Identifying the "true owner" is meaningless when you have gone out of your way to destroy relationships--the very relationships necessary for obtaining the unobtainable.

Sinistron, you know I totally respect you, and, believe me, we have the same goals. We just have very different ideas about how to actually reach those goals.

Really Esteban- how long have you and others been pleading for this title- with no avail?  I've searched the forum- I've seen the pleading.  Really- the best suggestion is from Black Tiger- that we all chip in for these titles from the owners- but if you think me being rude in a single forum thread is really stopping these transactions from going down- then you're buying into this clown's game.  His reasoning was about money- when I asked him repeatedly if his uploading the roms made his physical wares deprecciate in value he didn't answer- just changed his story and blamed me.  Him and his evil twin are blaming me for the way of the world.  It's a joke. 

As for Thibaut- this is a guy with a serious wanted list totalling over 100,000$.  Money isn't an object- trophies are his object.  He had ZERO interest in joining the community- just came here looking for ultra rare wares- money not an issue.  You can kiss up to these a$$holes if you want- but count me out.  I'm not playing the desperate fool while they hang protos over our heads- and some of these guys are just plain full of it as we see today.  It's a prestige issue.  Adol wanted to be a legend- and now he is- a legendary riot.  Who can take anything this guy says seriously anymore? 

Hey- I wish every great turn came by way of peace and love- but it's RARELY the case- not in this world.  Sure- I'm peaceful at home- I love my friends and they love me back- but at the end of the day giant steps are taken through truth and force. 

To that end- hey- I hope you're successful in your aims to hunt down these protos by cooing in these clowns' ears- I really do.  Shit- if you're successful then maybe you'd even forgive my filthy ways and let me share in the fun of these rare gems :)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 07:18:34 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #108 on: July 09, 2009, 07:17:33 AM »
Not to mention plenty of name-calling by yourself when you complain people are doing the same. Sure, this forum can be quite hard on people (sometimes a little unfairly) at times, but you're really not doing yourself any favours. Perhaps it's just the language barrier *shrug*

It's pretty clear that forum is a kid's playground as well.
I came here because i was shocked to see how Thibaut was treated,and i gave solid points. about fact sharing or not, and what happned last years about this.
Why japanese owners don't share, how other communities operate for grabbing such stuff,etc.
Solid points that Sinistron was unable to answer besides "douchebag" and such comments.Maybe the truth wasn't easy to hear after all.
About calling names, i started after SEVERAL (a dozen?) posts of Sinistron doing such against Thibaut, and me. I got sick of such arrogant and childish attitude. Then i answered.
My bad i didn't know that forum was a playground.
Any honest member would see that chronologically he started insulting Thibaut (or me) way before i answered. Didn't you?

The only thing that comes out of this is that it doesn't help getting rare stuff shared. I know i shared a lot of stuff(PCE,Nintendo,Mega CD) in the past, but seeing such attitiude,it doesn't help doing the same thing ever again.

So we're back to the playground "he started it" game?  Regardless even if someone else starts it, YOU continued it which making any complaining you do about name calling pointless as you did it also.
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #109 on: July 09, 2009, 07:19:51 AM »
I come back from work and so much pages !

Sinistron :
"So Thibaut made a PC-Engine bible- one that you said Japanese people are even buying- so it's something he's selling and making money from- it's not something he's SHARING.  It's something he's selling.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that- it's his knowledge- good for him to use it for his ends to turn a buck if people want to pay for it- but don't confuse it as some kind of altruistic contribution."

Impressive ! Do you ever write a book and publish it ?
Do you know how much cost a book with 200 pages in color with high quality paper ?

"About PC Cocoron, i missed an opportunity for 15mn 1 year ago.Too bad that was a BIN. The usual japanese user won it."

Exactly, a complete copy of PC Cocoron with manual and cover in color.

The same seller sell also a copy of Imperial Force with development paper and an art-book development of Silky Lip (about 100 pages).

To conclude, with so much aggressiveness for your part you don´t participate to collect some unreleased games from collector (I can´t imagine if you speak like that (like you do with me) to Japanese high collector...).
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 07:26:08 AM by Thibaut »
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #110 on: July 09, 2009, 07:27:38 AM »
I come back from work and so much page !

Sinistron :
"So Thibaut made a PC-Engine bible- one that you said Japanese people are even buying- so it's something he's selling and making money from- it's not something he's SHARING.  It's something he's selling.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that- it's his knowledge- good for him to use it for his ends to turn a buck if people want to pay for it- but don't confuse it as some kind of altruistic contribution."

Impressive ! Do you ever write a book and publish it ?
Do you know how much cost a book with 200 pages in color with high quality paper ?

So much

"About PC Cocoron, i missed an opportunity for 15mn 1 year ago.Too bad that was a BIN. The usual japanese user won it."

Exactly, a complete copy of PC Cocoron with manual and cover in color.

The same seller sell also a copy of Imperial Force with development paper and an art-book development of Silky Lip (about 100 pages).

To conclude, with so much aggressiveness for your part you don´t participate to collect some unreleased games from collector (I can´t imagine if you speak like that (like you do with me) to Japanese high collector...).

Actually ThighButt my writing HAS been published- and as for production I've recorded at least 7 full-length albums and had over a thousand pressed and distributed them myself.

"To conclude, with so much aggressiveness for your part you don´t participate to collect some unreleased games from collector (I can´t imagine if you speak like that (like you do with me) to Japanese high collector...)."

Shit man- I know that English isn't your primary language- but do you really expect me to decipher this?

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #111 on: July 09, 2009, 07:28:29 AM »
He made an offer and I responded; I did not make such an offer, as I have no such materials available to me. 

Still. Please provide whenever you have some. Thanks.

And what good were you hoping to achieve with your lies and falsehoods? 

I never made any lies not falsehoods. That is just plain bullshit from you. Classic.

Nectarsis: i admit i CONTINUED it. CONTINUED. that means the ones to blame are the ones starting it.
That's how it works, even in law domain. then blame them,not me.
I pointed about naming issues, i pointed twice, i pointed  3,4 times, the end i'm bored of it, and i just name myself.That's the only language they understand.

Esteban, don't answer to that sinistron clown. He's not worth it. That's probably why he won't get anything anytime soon.
Sinistmoron: Any attempt to tarnish me won't work. I'm way beyond that, sorry for this, clown. Try with somebody else.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #112 on: July 09, 2009, 07:30:12 AM »
Shit man- I know that English isn't your primary language- but do you really expect me to decipher this?

When you'll be able to write french as well as i write english,maybe you'll be in position to talk about this.
Until then,you're just a clown. We're laughing again and again here in France about your smart comments.
Go get PC Cocoron, Forrest.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #113 on: July 09, 2009, 07:32:49 AM »
Continuing takes you to their "level" you seem to look down on them at.  You doing what you complain about them starting is 5 year old grade school "he started it" ..."it's bad for them to do it, but they did it first so that makes it ok for me to" ...quiet hypocritical.
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #114 on: July 09, 2009, 07:37:57 AM »
Shit man- I know that English isn't your primary language- but do you really expect me to decipher this?

When you'll be able to write french as well as i write english,maybe you'll be in position to talk about this.

Yeah.  Only that the language on this forum is English- âne muet...

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #115 on: July 09, 2009, 07:38:54 AM »
Sinistron :
Yes my english is not good, do you prefer we discuss in french ?

With so much insults from your part to me, I don´t understand why a moderator on this forum don´t intervene.
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #116 on: July 09, 2009, 07:44:21 AM »
Sinistron :
Yes my english is not good, do you prefer we discuss in french ?

With so much insults from your part to me, I don´t understand why a moderator on this forum don´t intervene.

Actually I've been treating you with kid gloves- Adol's been getting the full onslaught.  At most I called you a hoarder- if you can't take it- then go look at your game shelves- that'll make you feel much better.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #117 on: July 09, 2009, 07:54:43 AM »
And for example "Shit man" ?

With your attitude you´re really tarnish all the Aaron forum...
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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #118 on: July 09, 2009, 07:56:47 AM »
With your attitude you´re really tarnish all the Aaron forum...

Yeah- that's what they keep telling me...

Oh well...  I'm here for as long as they'll have me!  :wink:

but seriously- I'm a little offended here- with this gunpowder dipped tongue of mine the best you can come up with is "Shit, man"?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 07:58:50 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #119 on: July 09, 2009, 07:59:20 AM »
Aaron is so lucky to have a nice person like you, so refined.
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