Continuing takes you to their "level" you seem to look down on them at. You doing what you complain about them starting is 5 year old grade school "he started it" ..."it's bad for them to do it, but they did it first so that makes it ok for me to" ...quiet hypocritical.
I don't deny it.
but again: in law domain, the one starting is the punished one.
This is a public forum..not law domain/court/etc. You can twist it any way you want, but it's hypocritical, and shifting blame (or attempting to) doesn't change that. Besides many places BOTH people can get into trouble...disorderly conduct, "law domain."
It's also bullsnap Adol. You started with the insults RIGHT AWAY when responding to Nat- though who knows if it's even there as you ran off and altered/deleted all of your posts like a little wench who just got kicked in the taco.
No,i answered to nat insults towards Thibaut.
Again, his insults come first. Be honest for one time.
But i congrat you for being able to write one sentence without insulting someone,or mocking at other people's sentences in non native language. I'd be delighted to see your french sentences in action.
Even deleting my posts won't change the TIME LINE.
You'll see nat post way before my very first post in this thread.
Necromancer: I'm a lawyer. I'm not talking without knowing the subject, like you do.
I can tell for a fact French courts and US courts have NOTHING in common. But you can check by yourself if you want.
You're based on common law,from Magna Carta.
And we're not. Procedures,laws,the entire law system..about 60% of it changes.
Class action suits,procedure to establish guilt,etc.. all of this is completely different. Fortunately for us ^^