Author Topic: Holy Jebus!  (Read 7511 times)


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #165 on: July 09, 2009, 12:00:46 PM »

buying an expensive, overpriced, OMGRAER CD-R and then not sharing a rip of it is idiotic. You essentially have a bootleg.  In fact I think it'd be AWESOME if what you have is a bootleg of the original.  You can't really tell since its a CD-R.  Heres to hoping someone copied their original CD-R and sold it to you.  In fact I bet they did because they knew someone like you would be like OMG and buy it.  They are now laughing at you , and swimming in the money.

That is really what separates the actual PC-Engine community from the stragglers that just buy up what they can , hoard it, and don't share or interact with the community at large..   There is a place for people like that, and its called the Commodore community.  Had a guy like this buy up EVERYTHING for obscene prices, crashed the market for Commodore items and then disappeared.  Hoarding all sorts of stuff.  Total joke.   Lot of people like that in C= world.. .hoarding all kinds of stuff and even make posts saying things like "I have that! Dont need it, but you cant have it" to people looking for that particular item.    I hope your penis feels extremely huge with your overpriced CD-R.  It won't do much else for you I'm afraid.

This is the reason I think that the PC Engine/ Turbo Grafx community is alot less extravagant than all the NES etc. groups.  The stuff is/was rare and you get a few people that just swoop down and f*ck it all up by hoarding it and not sharing. Thank god Thibaut doesn't own the Hu7 development stuff.  I hope they are sitting forgotten in a box somewhere at NEC or Hudson.  At least they're resting peacefully instead of being imprisoned by some shmuck that wont even USE them.  Hell just post a picture and be like "I have this! :-D Look at me! Im so cool! I have DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT!"   :roll:


the credibility of Thibaut's "hard work" crap pretty much immediately flies out the window the second Adol2009 and friends come in to back him up.  Why?  Well, lets just say all of Adol2009's incriminating edits should read "Bored of my own stupidity" or "Defeated by my own stupidity".    Adol, Editing all your posts doesn't change the fact that we all saw the stupidity you typed.  All it does is makes it apparent that you are trying to cover up your ill fated attempt at defending Thibaut.  and, a twin? Seriously? prove it. Lets see you and your twin.  and you better not just take some pic with a random dude your age and be like WERE NOT IDENTICAL TWINS.    I could go take pictures with like 40 people and say my mom blasted out 40 twins that arent identical.  Doesnt make it true. Ydig?

I doubt Thibaut had to "work hard" for this stuff.   Your average PCE fan doesn't have that much flow laying around for shits and giggles to buy a CD-R.  He/She also isn't stupid enough to spend that much if he had to "work hard" for it.   Its a luxury.  Something you have and take for granted.  You clearly dont understand the value of anything.  As long as you have it, you don't care whats going on.   You're set! You have all the OMGRAER stuff and you can sit and stare and get a tickle in your pants about it.  Go you!      Do you even play any of it?   You did remember to buy a console and AV cables/Power adaptor in all your frivolous spending?


If I end up with a buncha spare cash and buy PC Cocoron I'll burn and mail everyone a copy.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #166 on: July 09, 2009, 12:01:43 PM »
If the leak guy is your hero,then great for you. But he's a crook. He betrayed dozens (hundreds?) of other people.  Nothing to be proud of.
That's partly because of him you won't get any other stuff anymore, because japanese collectors didn't like it. Enjoy, that was the last. Thanks to him. Your hero is the one that stole your dreams.

This is a hilarious catch-22 you got going on- man if you're a lawyer you suck- flat out.
You're saying that no one will ever share games anymore because someone shared one?  Is that what you're trying to say?  And this makes sense how? 
You guys DIDN'T WANT TO SHARE.  Some guy shared it- and the result is what?  YOU STILL DON'T WANT TO SHARE. 

If I ever need a catch-22 defense I'll be sure to consult with the lawfirm of Adol, Adol and Pinocchio.

We decide to release it for free to everyone, in France at least using SMS Power platform,which is worldwidely known because my friend Omar is the guy who created the best SMS emulator ever (Meka).
We used his "renommee" to touch the most people we can with this free release. To break the profit logic.
So basically,maybe the guys who got you the game (then you got it,finally) was from a worldwide release that a bunch of guys, including me, decided. How ironic is that? LOL.

What I'm saying is that we donated (i donated $150,so did the others) for this game, along with George Palamara (if that name occurs to you?) getting in touch with a japanese collector.
and this collector,known in japanese pce collectors circle,asked to NOT SHARE IT. that was HIS wish. Someone broke this wish. Cutting us out of the way getting more ever from them.
Then i'm telling you now: go try get one now.
Because of 1 stupid move,everything has fallen apart.
The most clever way for anyone,including you, would have been to get everything,and then share everything at the same time once everything was obtained.
But NO, it didn't work that way.
And now,we're stuck/banned from this circle, until a japanese collector decides to sell 1 for profit (it happened 16 months ago,but i wasn't fast enough to BIN,so it'ss till again in japanese collector's know,the hoarders you hate so much)
They won't share/sell, because we broke the trust.
In long term, we lost BIG TIME. Congrats.

Is that clear now,or must i say it in French or Japanese??
(my bad you don't understand anything besides english)


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #167 on: July 09, 2009, 12:02:48 PM »
Haha- honestly I have no clue- just wanted to see if there was any truth to the rumor that it was released as such.

Haha, you've been caught. You're really a clown.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #168 on: July 09, 2009, 12:04:18 PM »
Haha- honestly I have no clue- just wanted to see if there was any truth to the rumor that it was released as such.

Haha, you've been caught. You're really a clown.

Caught? lol- it was my own admittance- jackass.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #169 on: July 09, 2009, 12:08:56 PM »
And now,we're stuck/banned from this circle, until a japanese collector decides to sell 1 for profit (it happened 16 months ago,but i wasn't fast enough to BIN,so it'ss till again in japanese collector's know,the hoarders you hate so much)
They won't share/sell, because we broke the trust.
In long term, we lost BIG TIME. Congrats.

Is that clear now,or must i say it in French or Japanese??
(my bad you don't understand anything besides english)

I wouldn't call the Japanese collectors hoarders.  I'd call them more.... Japanese collectors.   They don't really come interact with us since they do their own thing.

Plus, if they came here and seen you and your 3 wang circus, they'd go back where they came from almost immediately. lol
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #170 on: July 09, 2009, 12:11:27 PM »
I hope your penis feels extremely huge with your overpriced CD-R. 

Huh? What the..? What overpriced CD-R are you talking about? I'm not getting any.
You're confusing me with Thibaut maybe. Does that mean you didn't understand a damn thing about the whole story..? Haha.

and, a twin? Seriously? prove it.

Here it is:

Now,looking at one of the most know US newspaper archive, which credibility cannot be denied, how RIDICULOUS do you feel?
Maybe NY times tries to cover my lies too?  You're getting more and more ridiculous. I can't imagine how stupid you'd feel reading the NY times article ^^

You clearly dont understand the value of anything. 

Asking for free what people work hard for, you clearly don't either.  When unemployed persons in Spain pay $3000 a year for going to the Real Madrid soccer games,how do they do? It's a luxury. and they're poor as well. They do it by passion. They eat pasta all year,i don't know. It's not uncompatible

And again,i'm not the one buying it,you're talking to the wrong person.
You're not even able to speak to the correct person! Haha.

If I end up with a buncha spare cash and buy PC Cocoron I'll burn and mail everyone a copy.

Good. Please do it.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #171 on: July 09, 2009, 12:12:12 PM »
Caught? lol- it was my own admittance- jackass.

More power to you admitting after being caught -jackass.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #172 on: July 09, 2009, 12:13:41 PM »
Plus, if they came here and seen you and your 3 wang circus, they'd go back where they came from almost immediately. lol

Your comment clearly shows you never dealt with them ^^
There's no way they'd come here either. You need to speak japanese first.
Something only rare members here seem to be capable of. lol.


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #173 on: July 09, 2009, 12:14:13 PM »
There was no caught- doofus- there is another thread here from awhile back- I CAN PULL IT UP FOR YOU IF YOU LIKE where I ask someone else about the rumor of the fanzine release- trust me- this isn't something I'm concocting on the spot.

CAUGHT is more like when I said that you had PC Cocoron listed - and you said I was a liar while you scrambled to erase it from your list -- meanwhile I had the image saved and showed it- and then you said I manipulated the image until someone else came in and said that on a search list your name still showed as the owner- and then you say OH THAT LIST ISN'T MINE there's plenty of Adols although LMFAO it's the same account that you linked to after you erased the title.  Then caught yet again you say oh wait it's my TWIN'S list he MUST HAVE JUST ERASED THE TITLE as he was communicating with me via telepathy or whatever and then you scramble to erase the evidence of your stupidity meanwhile the best bits have already been quoted- LOL --  THAT'S BEING CAUGHT.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 12:19:18 PM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #174 on: July 09, 2009, 12:16:38 PM »
There's no way they'd come here either. You need to speak japanese first.
Something only rare members here seem to be capable of. lol.

The L33T members Arkhan- The L33T members.  LOL that we can't speak Japanese.  What fools we are.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #175 on: July 09, 2009, 12:18:10 PM »
where I ask someone else about the rumor of the fanzine release- trust me-

That's the point. You cannot be trusted. You can only be laughed at.
Good night,clown.

CAUGHT is more like when I said that you had PC Cocoron listed - and you said I was a liar while you scrambled to erase it from your list -- meanwhile I had the image saved and showed it- and then you said I manipulated the image until someone else came in and said that on a search list your name still showed as the owner- and then you say OH THAT LIST ISN'T MINE there's plenty of Adols although LMFAO it's the same account that you linked to after you erased the title.  Then caught yet again you say oh wait it's my TWIN'S list he MUST HAVE JUST ERASED THE TITLE as he was communicating with me via telepathy or whatever.  THAT'S BEING CAUGHT.

Of course i'd say that. Because i know i haven't it,and i never had it.Neither my bro.So i don't see why you were stupid enough to force me giving for free something i don't have. But,as incredible as it sounds,you were. Here,that's your game:

/PC Cocoron CDR for Sinistron /

Take it. I'm your new hero now. Good night, "jackass".


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #176 on: July 09, 2009, 12:18:39 PM »
I hope your penis feels extremely huge with your overpriced CD-R. 

Huh? What the..? What overpriced CD-R are you talking about? I'm not getting any.
You're confusing me with Thibaut maybe. Does that mean you didn't understand a damn thing about the whole story..? Haha.

No, you just think the whole post is about yourself.  Did you buy the CD-R? no. Note how i talk about you AND Thibaut?  No need to attempt to make me look stupid.  I understand the whole story just fine.  We will chalk it up to your stupidity getting the best of you again. Sound good?

and... so what, you post an article about twins running.  Proves nothing.  I could find an article about twins too.

even if you do have a twin, that just means theres double the stupid really.  You're both liars.

....and, I understand the value of stuff perfectly fine.  If I could afford a CD-R that is rare and alot of people who are less fortunate couldnt, Id be more than happy to share it..Noone gains anything from someone just sitting on a CD doing nothing about it.  The things rare anyways.  Not that many people can obtain it anyways.  Even if we all had money falling out of our asses.  Not sharing something that rare is just a selfish joke.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #177 on: July 09, 2009, 12:21:43 PM »
Plus, if they came here and seen you and your 3 wang circus, they'd go back where they came from almost immediately. lol

Your comment clearly shows you never dealt with them ^^
There's no way they'd come here either. You need to speak japanese first.
Something only rare members here seem to be capable of. lol.

Lol never dealt with them?

*looks at Sony MSXes, Japanese books, Develo stuff.... other imports....all obtained from friends/hookups in Japan*

Riiiiiight.   I dont know anything.  My bad.  Adol and Adol2 know everything about Japan.

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #178 on: July 09, 2009, 12:25:33 PM »
No, you just think the whole post is about yourself.

no, i don't.
You were talking about a twin,and i'm the ony one having one between me a Thibaut.
You didn't quote any,that was confusing.
There is a quote function,use it.

and... so what, you post an article about twins running.  Proves nothing.  I could find an article about twins too.

Ahah. Proves everything.
Crossmate it with all the other hints,and you'll get your answer, Holmes.
I'm done. Even when New york Times throws the truth at your head,you still deny it. Lameful.
Good night everyone. ^^


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Re: Holy Jebus!
« Reply #179 on: July 09, 2009, 12:27:01 PM »
*looks at Sony MSXes, Japanese books, Develo stuff.... other imports....all obtained from friends/hookups in Japan*
Riiiiiight.   I dont know anything.  My bad.  Adol and Adol2 know everything about Japan.

You're comparing getting unrare stuff that you can get with any ebay japanese seller, and japanese PCE collectors owning one of a kind items that it'll take you months to get in touch with.
