I haven't been in the import scene for very long, only a few months now. The Land of the Rising Sun has always been a fascination to me, and for many of you as well I'm sure. I am 31 and grew up in the early era of video game magazines when EGM, and the like, would print articles on all the japanese exclusives for the Super Famicom, PC Engine, etc. I would drool over pages containing pictures of games like Spriggan and Actraiser(at the time unreleased in the US). I don't remember where I read about Dracula X: Rondo of Blood then, but I remember being aware of its existence.
Well, last monday guess what came for me in the mail? Yes that elusive classic was in my hands. Needless to say, I was psyched beyond belief! I had to go to work, so I decided that I would savor the experience by waiting until I got off work later that night to play it.
Now it's early friday morning here in the widwest and I would like to share with you my thoughts after a few days of play:
To be honest I wish I hadn't played Symphony of the Night before I played Rondo. Rondo's heralded gameplay seemed softened by that fact. Not to say that I was majorly disappointed. I avoided gameplay vids on the internet just to be sure nothing was spoiled. The prologue stage was pure awesomness!! I really enjoyed Death's voicework, though too bad they didn't keep the german voiceovers going throughout the entire game. The flaming backgrounds in stage one, along with it's parallax was another good piece of eye candy. I have a tiny gripe with how Richter controls. I wish they kept with the multi-directional whip controls from SCVIV, but I actually prefer Rondo's body movements. I feel more at ease making jumps from platform to platform.
I planned to go straight through the stages, without taking any of the optional routes. for my first time through. I have made it to stage 5 so far. I can't seem to beat Death with Richter yet. Even after watching the "techniques" on how to beat him. Of course I could just use Maria for an easier playthrough, but my inner Belmont scoffs at the idea. I'll use Maria after I beat the game, or if I just plain get stuck. Granted, Rondo is one of the easier Castlevanias, but these Konami games have always given me a run for my money.
So, the real question is do I think Dracula X: Rondo of Blood is overrated? A little honestly. Because I played SOTN first I was kind of expecting an experience akin it. But, that's my own fault, not the game's. The music is great, but the sound effects are lacking in some areas. It sounds like most are chip generated, which isn't a bad thing but COME ON, it's a CD-ROM for God's sake. There are some really poor enemy death screams like the barrel throwing guerilla skeletons in stage one. They just kind of make a very low "ooh" noise. Not very exciting. They are not all bad though. I am not sure what the name of the floating sword swarm is in stage five but that thing shrieks like you just chopped it's testicles off(if it even has any).
So yeah, a little overrated, but what do I expect. A perfect game? I wish! But, what I do have is a great, polished, well rounded PC Engine title that I will never get rid of for any good reason. I wish I could gloat to my friends about it, but all they would go is "huh, what's that, PC Engine? Is that for your car?" "Ronondo of what?" "Castlevania? I didn't know they still made those games." Sheesh