Ok i have played all the CV games up to the first PS2 one(am not including the hand held versions)and Rondo was always a sought after game for me for years.
A few years back when i got on board with the PC Engine(Was a Turbo-16 fan for years but was well aware of the import side of it)one of the first games i wanted when i got my Duo-R was Rondo of Blood.
I sold my Vectrex to help pay for my copy off of Ebay and when it arrived i was so excited and could not wait to play it.
After i played i came to the decision this game was my favorite CV game period! I feel it was not over hyped and this was the defining classic Castlevania game(No Metroid-Vania here....Sorry Samus).
It is just a fantastic game to me and yes CV:SOTN is a fantastic game as well it is to me the turn point of games when it became more of a action/rpg than a action game.
I personally hate all the back tracking you do in all of the non-3D current games and i really do not like the 3-D CV games at all.
Again this is my personal opinion about it and my copy of Rondo is one of my prized games in my PCE collection.