Author Topic: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts  (Read 714 times)


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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2009, 03:36:42 PM »
I had a very similar experience when I finally played Ys I & II after many years of hearing the hype. I grew up with the TG-16, but for whatever reason Ys didn't appeal to me back in those days and I didn't end up picking them up until finally within the past 5 years. When I played through 'em I found them to be highly overrated, and while they were good enough fun, they don't crack my top 10. I think Zeta makes a great point when he says that listening to hype for such a prolonged period of time sets your expectations so high, it's virtually impossible for anything to live up to them.

All that said, I think Rondo of Blood is a fantastic game that fully lived up to my expectations. It feels fresh every time I go back to play through it again, and it has aged very well.

I gotta agree with you there Nat. I just got Ys I and II back in May and was a tad bit underwhelmed. For me the only things that withstood the hype was the soundtrack and the story. I can hum those songs all day while at work. But ramming into enemies for a couple hours makes my poor thumb red and sore. But, for what it is, I still love the game.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 06:03:35 PM by Mathius »
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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2009, 06:34:06 PM »
I had a very similar experience when I finally played Ys I & II after many years of hearing the hype. I grew up with the TG-16, but for whatever reason Ys didn't appeal to me back in those days and I didn't end up picking them up until finally within the past 5 years. When I played through 'em I found them to be highly overrated, and while they were good enough fun, they don't crack my top 10. I think Zeta makes a great point when he says that listening to hype for such a prolonged period of time sets your expectations so high, it's virtually impossible for anything to live up to them.

All that said, I think Rondo of Blood is a fantastic game that fully lived up to my expectations. It feels fresh every time I go back to play through it again, and it has aged very well.

I gotta agree with you there Nat. I just got Ys I and II back in May and was a tad bit underwhelmed. For me the only things that withstood the hype was the soundtrack and the story. I can hum those songs all day while at work. But ramming into enemies for a couple hours makes my poor thumb red and sore. But, for what it is, I still love the game.

Whatever. You know what's truly disappointing? Your trivial contributions to this thread. Take that! :)

Just kidding, guys. It's OK if you don't think Ys I & II is great, you jaded, jaded fools.

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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2009, 07:38:59 PM »

I had a very similar experience when I finally played Ys I & II after many years of hearing the hype. I grew up with the TG-16, but for whatever reason Ys didn't appeal to me back in those days and I didn't end up picking them up until finally within the past 5 years. When I played through 'em I found them to be highly overrated, and while they were good enough fun, they don't crack my top 10. I think Zeta makes a great point when he says that listening to hype for such a prolonged period of time sets your expectations so high, it's virtually impossible for anything to live up to them.

All that said, I think Rondo of Blood is a fantastic game that fully lived up to my expectations. It feels fresh every time I go back to play through it again, and it has aged very well.

I gotta agree with you there Nat. I just got Ys I and II back in May and was a tad bit underwhelmed. For me the only things that withstood the hype was the soundtrack and the story. I can hum those songs all day while at work. But ramming into enemies for a couple hours makes my poor thumb red and sore. But, for what it is, I still love the game.

Whatever. You know what's truly disappointing? Your trivial contributions to this thread. Take that! :)

Just kidding, guys. It's OK if you don't think Ys I & II is great, you jaded, jaded fools.

Why you little...

Seriously though, I DO think Ys is a GREAT game. I was just a tiny, itty-bitty, ever-so-slightly, microscopically, disappointed. Besides, what other game can you put into your car stereo and jam to, while sitting at a stop light with your windows down, and NOT raise eyebrows? Better yet, is there ANY other game can you listen to in your car without your windows rolled UP?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 07:41:31 PM by Mathius »
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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2009, 08:48:27 PM »

Seriously though, I DO think Ys is a GREAT game. I was just a tiny, itty-bitty, ever-so-slightly, microscopically, disappointed. Besides, what other game can you put into your car stereo and jam to, while sitting at a stop light with your windows down, and NOT raise eyebrows? Better yet, is there ANY other game can you listen to in your car without your windows rolled UP?


For reals, I love Cybercore. It's short, simplistic loops are catchy as hell, IMO.

*There are tons of games with great music, but I am just trying to help out an underdog.
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Joe Redifer

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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2009, 08:50:41 PM »
Ys 1 and 2 was a great game for its time, but it hasn't aged particularly well with the exception of its soundtrack and its animated anime cinema intermission movie scenes (which barely move, but still).


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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2009, 06:03:23 AM »

Seriously though, I DO think Ys is a GREAT game. I was just a tiny, itty-bitty, ever-so-slightly, microscopically, disappointed. Besides, what other game can you put into your car stereo and jam to, while sitting at a stop light with your windows down, and NOT raise eyebrows? Better yet, is there ANY other game can you listen to in your car without your windows rolled UP?


For reals, I love Cybercore. It's short, simplistic loops are catchy as hell, IMO.

*There are tons of games with great music, but I am just trying to help out an underdog.

Thanks esteban.  :)
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Re: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood thoughts
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2009, 11:58:04 AM »
Ok i have played all the CV games up to the first PS2 one(am not including the hand held versions)and Rondo was always a sought after game for me for years.

A few years back when i got on board with the PC Engine(Was a Turbo-16 fan for years but was well aware of the import side of it)one of the first games i wanted when i got my Duo-R was Rondo of Blood.

I sold my Vectrex to help pay for my copy off of Ebay and when it arrived i was so excited and could not wait to play it.

After i played i came to the decision this game was my favorite CV game period! I feel it was not over hyped and this was the defining classic Castlevania game(No Metroid-Vania here....Sorry Samus).

It is just a fantastic game to me and yes CV:SOTN is a fantastic game as well it is to me the turn point of games when it became more of a action/rpg than a action game.

I personally hate all the back tracking you do in all of the non-3D current games and i really do not like the 3-D CV games at all.

Again this is my personal opinion about it and my copy of Rondo is one of my prized games in my PCE collection. :D