Does anyone know the relation between Camp California and Yo' Bro (hucard)? Is the SCD a sequel or the same game a la Bonk 3?
Both Camp California and Yo' Bro were developed by ICOM Simulations... probably part of the last few games that company ever made for a console.
It is confusing because if you look back at the old magazines (i.e. the announcements and previews of upcoming games), it seems as if the two titles were used interchangeably. Actually, it seems as if there was only going to be one game, Camp California on HuCard.... then at some point, two games were in the works, with the names and formats changing...
If I get a chance I'll see if I can find an example in the TurboPlay Archives... but most of what I'm talking about appeared in EGM, GamePro, etc.