Like i said, this will be it for now, some time in the future i might combine this stuff with comments about gameplay, music etc in a single post and call it the definitive comparison.
I like the SCIV comparisons! It would be neat to continue them... But all of this is a lot of work.
You're gonna hate me, but I propose the following comparisons:
1. Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis) vs. ____________ (SNES) vs. Rondo (already done).
2. Contra HardCorps (Genesis) vs. __________ (SNES)
Hey, I can dream, can't I?
You see, Genesis fanboys always tout these titles (which are, indeed, fine games), but I would love to see how things actually stack up. I equally love Genesis and SNES, so I think I'm neutral on these sorts of comparisons... but I'm a sucker for anything PCE