Author Topic: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)  (Read 601 times)


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My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« on: July 28, 2009, 11:30:07 AM »
Ok first off, nice to meet you guys. I have been a Turbo fan since wayyy back when the Turbografx-16 came out. *If you don't want to hear my story, scroll down for the haul!* It was the summer before my freshman year @ high school, and I had just sold my NES system in hopes of upgrading to a new system. I had a choice to make: Sega Genesis or Turbografx-16? As you all know, the TG-16 wasn't the most popular system...but the commercial got me. China Warrior and Keith Courage's graphics flashed brilliantly on the screen, while Genesis' Altered Beast kind of chugged along, nothing new.

So my Dad took me to Toys R Us in late summer of 1989. It was there that I purchased the TG-16 core unit, as well as China Warrior, Legendary Axe, Victory Run, and Blazing Lasers. I played those games to death, beating Keith Courage and Legendary Axe. I never came close to beating China Warrior or Victory run...those games were hard!

As Christmas came, so did the TG-16 CD player and Ys Book I & II. My friend and I played Ys non-stop until it was beaten. There was an NEC tip line that charged like $5 a min in those days, and I think they made a killing off of my parents phone bill. We were in complete awe of Ys. Actually talking voices! Killer graphics! Great gameplay! Awesome story!

Then a few years later the Turbo Duo was released, and I can't remember if it was NEC or TZD but one of them offered a trade in offer where you trade in your Turbo CD for a special deal on a turbo duo (think it came to $150). It also came with Gate of Thunder, Bonk 1 & 2, and Ys Book I & II. I traded in for the Duo and bought a bunch of games for it: Shape Shifter, Shadow of the Beast, Riot Zone and Terraforming. A friend later gave me Exile and Dragon Slayer, and I added many more games until the system got shelved sometime around college.

I re-discovered the system around 2004, and added even more games (my wife and I had a blast playing Bonk 3) until I sold the whole system and games on ebay in 07 for a measly $600 (a move I regret to this day).

Fast forward to June of this year. I now have a PS3, Xbox 360, and a Wii....but craving a Duo. I have missed all these old games in their 16 bit glory. I went ahead and sold a bunch of stuff on ebay and made around $450. I promptly went out and bought a Turbografx w/CD player and a few games for $150. Great deal, but I was bummed that I could not find a Duo at a decent price (the US Duo's were insanely priced, mostly $600 and up), so I decided to buy a PC Engine Duo for another $150. This way I could play super CD's and also play all the pc engine hu's I never got a change to play. I am now proud of my brilliant move, as the PC Engine Duo is the way to go. I ordered from Hit-Japan, and they hooked me up with a slew of games at @ $5 each. I also ordered a few hu's from Jump to Japan and they gave me a deal as well, and shipped promptly.

So now for my Haul:

Turbografx-16 w/CD player, Turbo Pad and 2 controllers

Bonk's Adventure
Legendary Axe
Legendary Axe II
Keith Courage
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Fighting Street
Ghost Manor
Parasol Stars

PC Engine Duo w/Turbo Pad and 2 controllers

Atomic Robo Kid
Heavy Unit
Son of Dracula
Saint Dragon
Legend of Xanadu
Death Bringer
War of the Dead
Rastan Saga 2
Marchen Maze
Legend of the Valkyrie
Tales of Monster Path
Momotaro Katsugeki
Cross Wiber
Dragon Saber
Jimmu Densho Yaksa
Rabio Lepus Special

All of this was purchased for around $ I am feeling like I hit the jackpot! Again nice to meet you guys and hope to add my knowledge (and gain even more) in the pc engine world.



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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 12:44:04 PM »
Very cool story.  Welcome aboard!
All is well. :)


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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 03:03:04 PM »
Welcome :)

PC Engine Duo w/Turbo Pad and 2 controllers

Atomic Robo Kid
Heavy Unit
Son of Dracula
Saint Dragon
Legend of Xanadu
Death Bringer
War of the Dead
Rastan Saga 2
Marchen Maze

The only HuCard you'll need :)

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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 04:18:24 PM »
The only HuCard you'll need Smile

You're joking right? I have to admit the game is pretty horrible, but there is something about it's cheesy combat that makes me want to beat it and laff at the ending.


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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2009, 07:45:08 PM »
The only HuCard you'll need Smile

You're joking right? I have to admit the game is pretty horrible, but there is something about it's cheesy combat that makes me want to beat it and laff at the ending.

It is usually discounted as pure trash, but I have a fondness for Rastan Saga II. It is trash, but I still have fun playing it.

I became obsessed with it a few years ago. I was supposed to be packing an entire house's worth of stuff into a moving truck and, instead, I started opening up boxes just to find RSII and a console. I ended up leaving a day or two behind schedule, IIRC.

It was worth it.

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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2009, 02:53:49 AM »
Welcome to the funny farm.  That's a pretty good restart to your collection; now don't go crazy and sell it again.  :)
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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2009, 05:16:18 AM »
It is usually discounted as pure trash, but I have a fondness for Rastan Saga II. It is trash, but I still have fun playing it.

I became obsessed with it a few years ago. I was supposed to be packing an entire house's worth of stuff into a moving truck and, instead, I started opening up boxes just to find RSII and a console. I ended up leaving a day or two behind schedule, IIRC.

It was worth it.

That is a fabulous story. Yea the game is horrible, but oh so great if you value it for it's horrible style. One of my favorite PCE games!


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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 07:43:00 AM »
Yay! New member!

Just follow these commandments, and you shall be fine:

-Thou shalt honor thy system and its games.

-Thou shalt not buy ridiculously-priced games on ebay from Game_Squad, or his bandwagon.

-Thou shalt only post total bull designed to get an uproar in the Fighting Street forum.

-Thou shalt buy homebrew games such as Xymati and Insanity when they come out to support the developers and further inspire their holy mission.

-Thou shalt not make new board accounts to bypass being banned; that means you, Nintega!

If you do not understand these rules, don't lose heart, you'll probably understand most of them fairly quickly. Have fun with us embracing the wonder that is Turbo!

Okay, I'll stop looking like a total idiot, now. :P
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 03:03:22 PM »
Woah, now we have "16bit" not to be confused with the other member, "16-bit." It took me a minute before I realized this was a completely different dude. Welcome, anyway.


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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2009, 03:43:19 PM »
thanks for sharing your story. I love reading about people's experiences with this stuff back in the day. :mrgreen:
"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
"Today, people do all kind of shit." - Tatsujin


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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2009, 04:30:26 AM »
Welcome, anyway.

You are so warm & embracing :)
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Re: My Turbo/PCE Haul (and intro)
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2009, 01:22:50 PM »
I'll try to darken my sunny disposition if it's blinding your sight. ;)