awack: Cool find
I had looked as this game before because of it's horrific unnecessary mangling/use of sprite overlaying causing lots of flicker. I'm not sure why they didn't choose the lower res of this game. I mean, they scaled/redrew the sprites anyway - so it's not a big deal to do it for lower res mode. You gain more sprite bandwidth (i.e. less flicker). The other thing that I noticed was that the game uses large sections of 16 color areas, instead of optimizing for PCE's girth of onscreen colors. What I didn't notice is what you found.
Taking a second look, it's pretty interesting. The game logic and sprite movement is all done on a 30hz system (instead of a 60hz like most games). The background itself scrolls as 60fps res (vblank interrupt routine does it), but everything else is tied to 30fps res. This means the game can request/read a single 2048k of tiles into vram with a system card call for the in between frames. Even frames = sprites/game logic, off frames = read from CD buffer. Since the screen is auto scrolling, timing isn't an issue. Seek time isn't an issue either since all the level/tile updates inside the level are stored on the CD sequentially.
Besides some of the short comings like not using more colors (or better palette choices) and sprite optimization, it's a pretty clever game system. On a side note, this game could have been easily hacked to run on an Arcade Card setup and change the audio routine to play CD tracks.
Funny thing. Looking over the first level 256k ram chunk, there's definitely enough room in there in the chunks of free space - for all the updates of the first level. I think I counted 16 updates of 2k each for the first level. I beginning to doubt that this game actually needed this CD read mid level system.