OK, do you seriously think that "a few moments" are going to bring people up on the PCE, one of the most (the most?) confusing pieces of console history? I've been collecting this stuff since 1992 and I can't right now, off the top of my head, tell you the difference between the Backup Booster 1 and the Backup Booster 2. Also, you do realize that this is the 76th episode of the show, and they don't live/eat/breath PCE like us, right? Unless this episode was actually made by the members of this forum I'm sure that someone here would think it was crap because we are the English language source for these systems. If I had to do a podcast episode about...something like PS3, I'd be totally f*cking useless.
Maybe games podcasts need a sort of Alan Lomax type of guy that just wanders the internet recording the otherwise non-recorded insular word of expert gamers to compile grade A retrospectives and summarizations of gaming guru hive minds...actually, that's not a bad idea...seriously...
Also, sure there are plenty of PCE dorks here that'd hang with. In fact, One of Us stayed over at my place the other night. I suppose "having a conversation" is not the right phrase. More accurately, do you think they can be entertaining for an hour? I'm sure this show brought some interest in the PCE to people who were always wondering about it, and that's the point of it, and that's a good thing. It doesn't matter if they messed up the two boosters because both of them are more or less useless, and their uselessness was sort of the point of bringing them up.
There is this one Doctor Who podcast I used to listen too...the guy was just so boring and awkward. In really technical areas I can handle these people (ie: Michio Kaku) but in casual settings I'd rather have the flawed fans.
OK, I guess I'll just come out and say it. Mr. Nanto does not have a radio voice. There. I said it. I won't say it again.
EDIT: One more thing. I can't speak for the other guys, but Brandon is in fact a huge PCE fan. I geek out with him about this system on a regular basis. His focus, like mine, is almost totally focused on the Japan side these days, so he's bound to screw up "TG-16" stuff. My point of vouching for his fandom is that anyone can make mistakes.