I don't remember the ad, but I've certainly seen probably a hundred or so sites mentioning that the Duo had a 1x drive. What we see in advertisements doesn't reflect what is actually produced, especially when it comes to NEC.
Also, the "drive card" as I usually call it
was abandoned and with good reason...quad speed drives were available at the time it was being developed and were obviously hella faster than a 1x or even, if this was actually the case, a 2x. Anyone remember NEC's big SGX hype push, then how they produced a phenominally inferior machine? Or how about the PC-FX's 3D hype? None of that ever came to fruition, so the Duo having a 2x drive after being hyped about it is equally unlikely.
Some solid specs would lay this issue to rest and the real truth about the system could be known...unfortunately, a single advertising block before the machine is actually released doesn't tell us very much.