but I'm very certain about that arkahn would agree, that SotB looks so much far superior on the amiga than it does on any other system. graphic wise
Normal this game is designed for amiga capabilities, like dracula x, the pce version is the best 8/16 bit ever ..
But, on another topic some pce fans, prefers PCE version ..
This is the case on most games comparaison
The fact remains that the PCE's redbook tunes are much better than those on the Amiga. You may not care for the PCE's sound capabilities (though there are quite a few excellent tunes for it), but that's hardly relevant to a comparison of Jim Power's soundtrack.
did You realise that you compare CDA music with chip tune
And redbook audios on pce for jim power and sotb, have not a large superiority.
For me redbook audios are out of competition, with soud ship comparaison.
Instead of making blanket accusations and making yourself look like an ass, go read this thread. There are numerous instances where the PCE version is deemed inferior to other ports.
This is the reason of my deseperate cry (i don't know the traduction of "coup de gueule"), i have read all this topic
I don't want to create polemics, or fighting topic ..