:oops: Didn't feel the love in the DUO R & DUO RX thread, though there is a lovely bunch of consoles pictured in there
. So as suggested I'm starting a thread in which all hardware pictures are welcomed and in fact encouraged, there's no prejudice here.
Be it a PC-Engine, Core Grafx, Core Grafx II, briefcase setup, Super CD-RomRom, DUO, DUO R, DUO RX, GT, LT, SuperGrafx, Shuttle, Laseractive or even a development unit, the PC-KD863G or a Sharp Twin X-1 or maybe a Taiwanese clone, it'd be nice to see a hardware roll of honour.
I have the Japanese DUO and DUO monitor set up.
Also a Core Grafx II and Super-CD-RomRom
A briefcase set up
And finally a GT
As I said I'd love to see what treasures the boards hold, and to me that is
every piece of hardware so don't be shy!.