I believe the music in the Turbo Might n Magic 3, is different from the original, I know it's different from the SNES version. I've beaten it twice, there's a trick of sorts that really boosts your money, but, I know longer have it, I'm not sure if I can remember. I think the main thing, is you need to get strong enough to raid the treasure chests in the Good castle, & I think you either have to be strong enough to fight the guards, more maybe you can warp out, I think there was some glitch, I think even sometimes, the guards wouldn't come out! Anyways, once you get those millions of dollars, put it all in the bank, then, to make time fly by quickly, go to the guy in the first time, who gives you a job, & keep getting the job, getting paid by him(I think a week goes by each time you except) & let some years go by, you'll have all the money to need to upgrade yourself, etc. I can't remember if there was anything else.
On Dynastic Hero, I have Wonderboy V, which has different music, then Dynastic Hero thruout the entire game, not just the opening.