once again I was lurking through the internet on searching some informations about nick woods genius Gate of Thunder score, when I encountered with something interessing.
it's commonly known as we can take it from GoTs title screen, for the brilliant Score a team called SYN Sound Design is responsible:

so while looking for some further informations, see what i've discovered: with friend Nick Wood and wife Yasmin, he set up SYN Entertainment (Simon Yasmin Nick) in Tokyo, Japan. Having first conceived the idea in 1988, Le Bon is currently described as SYN's "Founder and Chairman", while Wood is "Founder, President and Creative Director".
out of this fact, I may savely say that without a Simon Le Bon, SYN probably would never have been founded and a Nick Wood would never have came over to japan to write the brilliant scores for a game called Gate of Thunder, and therefore one of the best game music ever written in history of video games (and probably even beyond of it

) would
not exist now.
Thanks so much Duran Duran

here the present HP of SYN:
http://www.synentertainment.com/and here a recent inteview with nick wood: