You're totally right about that guys, I feel that the PC Engine popularity went up a couple of years ago because of the VC but, maybe it's me, but I think it's been going down... this is a shame but totally understandable. Did we just witness the last "popular" breath of these old systems ? Let's hope not...
I really appreciate your feedback, you've all always been really supportive about the site. But VGDen is not going down, far from it. Esteban, I think you're right on ! I just need to take a break. My only problem currently is that I have tons of projects going at the same time so I had to reorganized my time and priorities. And I feel that some of my other projects (graphic novel, illustrations) need more attention. So don't worry, VGDen is not going away and I'll update it from time to time. By the way, as a 'gift' to the community, I'm about to remove all the watermarks

I'm also glad you like the Duo-bot. It's not overtly Duo-esque as Necromancer mentioned but I wanted to keep the illustration fun to look at, even for people who don't know about the Duo System - the feature that surprises people the most are the rainbow-sabers, but I had to have them in there, CD Rom Rom PAWAAA !