Not saying its real,but Im not saying its a fake either,as Care4Data is a huge pressing company in the world,with alot of pressing plants.It isnt normal for large pressing plants like this to do short orders.And for all the naysaying,have you tried to contact Care4Data,or Hudson to ask if they requested Care4Data to make a pressing of the game?Untill you do,and present these facts here or wherever,you cant truely say they are fake.
Your opinion is not a fact,its your opinion.I gave you alot of information about disc pressing,along with Care4Datas contact info for many of their plants.Also,game press runs in Japan are much smaller then in the US,as they are space restricted,and generally try to only make what they are sure to sell,so it is actually very realistic to think that Hudson would order another small print run for the game,as the first was infact very small.Also,if the pressing plant they used to use was no longer pressing/mastering disc,making knickle stampers,and what not,then they would indeed have to use another plant.The booklet arguement is useless,because if it is by chance a second run done a couple years later,and of corse pressed by a different company,then odds are the paperwork could have been done at that press plant,or new printing equipment,from digital archived scans of the booklet info.
So the printing will look different.They will not be taken off the original press plates,as those would have been disposed of by Hudson long before.Game companies usually archive in data format,as any other method is subject to breakdown faster.Pressing plates do break down over time,as they wear out.They are not going to keep them.With any second pressing of anything,you are going to notice differences between presses.This is natural.Its really funny I am defending a pressing of agame I dont even like,but crap,you guys ar enot providing facts,or really investigating enough.All your doing is spouting off its fake fake fake.Where are your facts?
O yea,I had 2 copies of Graduation 2 for Pc Engine.There was color differences between the 2 on the covers.The mint marks had the exact number count on the disc,but were vary different numbers,showing drasticly different time line between the 2 prints.
I cant see or imagine a huge pressing firm like Care4Data doing a small run bootleg order.It i spossible,but very unlikly overall.They would make no money off of it,as it cost manpower hours to press compact disc.Even injection molding requires a 24 hour man crew.They are not going to do this for a 1000 press run.It would have to be a larger order.It is not as cheap to press a data/music mix disc compared to a normal music cd also.
It requires more work,more testing and confirming,and quality checks,as data for programs is not as forgiving for, lets say a game system,compared to a music track can be on any cd player.They would have to do a quality check every few hundred disc to make sure the stamper is still holding up.
Yet again,this cost money.Selling a game for 30 bucks on ebay will not make enough for a recoupe of that magnatude.Ask any pressing firm,they will surely tell you this.You just have it stuck in your head of the small cost to produce the disc plastic,and no tthe total cost to master,press,make the stamper,print paperwork and packaging,and plastic wrap,plus manpower,which these people are not cheap.Im telling you a typical bootleg run will not generate the recoup required to make the money spent back,plus profit at the price the game is being sold.Not just this,but pressing PcEngine disc require older technoligy matsering software,that almost all plants have gotten rid of in favor of new ones.
Alot of it was abandoned back in 98-2k,way befor 2k1 rolled around.Part of the reason was y2k.Alot of companies were just ditching older hardware and software if it couldnt pass a clock test.So alot of plants switched to newer stuff back by the end of 99.You are going to be hard pressed to find a pressing plant willing to drag this older equipment out of storage that is required to press Sapphire at a small bootlegg press run of 1000-2000.Ther woul dbe no money in it at all.Ask any press plany manager,they will assure you of this.Making music cds i smuch cheaper too,dont compare the cost.A music cd does not require the same press quality test as often,does not usually have a full color booklet over 10 pages,and is made in huge numbers reaching over 10,000,thus making profit reachable since a marginal sell of the release will pay for the manufacture cost,testing,mastering,pressing,knickle plates,manpower,and so on.Funny how Im going into all this detail,and you guys have nothing equally informing to offer other then"its a fake".
Make a better arguement.Contact either Hudson,or Care 4 data.Inquire about the pressing.Tell Hudson about Care4 data,as if they ever used any othe rpress plant other then their own.
Do something more to prove your point then just spit out"its a fake".
This isnt a unreasonable request.If I can track down all the Care4 Data plants and give links on the forums here when this was originally debated,then you guys can write a few emails.